Chapter 6

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I woke up to my mom's screaming and banging.

Not again.

My mom always yells every fucking morning and evening.

My sister's always causing troubles I rarely ever see my big brother and my little brother is just there with my little sister causing fights and arguments

We never really had a 'family day' due to the fact all we do is argue and fight. My mom is a huge bitch in my opinion, all she talks about is how ugly I am and how I should be the perfect daughter this and that and how she wishes my hair grows longer. 

My hair is above my collarbones, it's till my ears-ish. I cut it my own though but I got hell after that but my mom still never gets over it. 

My dad honestly doesn't care and never did care. He has his own family to care about. I would do the same if I were him.

My mom barged in and opened all the lights

I groaned and hissed at the lights. 

"You've got to get on your knees and pray for forgiveness for all the sins you've made" She yelled angry but she kept the door open and walked away.

I sighed and slouched my shoulders down. I hate this. I fucking hate this. I unwrapped myself from the blankets protecting me and walked to the table where everyone were throwing insults at eachother and attempting to hit one another.

"Is this what you call a motherfucking family?" I hissed under my breath

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