Chapter 7: Questioning look

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Third person's Pov.

Jungkook is in a restaurant with his new friends eating and chatting,its quite crowded but they manage to have a vacant table spotted
  He quickly finish his lunch taking every large bite of food in his plate all at once and now he's just looking outside not bothering his friends talking and joking around themselves
  His mind take in into a new surrounding around him,he would think that if he could be fine this year without any trouble and if he can just enjoy this without any problems entering
But its just starting and he wouldn't know how it will come
Life is unpredictable you don't know whats the point of your life until you realize what you want to do that can make your life change 

While Jungkook was staring outside,Taehyung notice him
  "Hey Jungkook what are you thinking about?"Taehyung ask him  oblivious
Jungkook drift off averted his gaze and realize Taehyung was looking at him with a confuse and a bit worried eyes

"Uhh,nothing I just hope this year turned out well"Jungkook said with a tiny smile falter on his lips

"Yeah,I hope so"Taehyung say staring at his food with his lonely eyes

"Hey guys I'm just going to restroom and I'm warning you two,don't put anything in my drink"Jin inform looking at J-hope and Namjoon,leaving his seat beside Jungkook walking through the restroom
Jungkook steal glances at Namjoon and J-hope wearing a devilish smirks

"Just be quite,we always do this to him"J-hope said before putting a lot of hot sauce in his drink and  mixing it a little

"And he's very dumb to not notice it every single time we've trick him"Namjoon muttered grinning 
   Taehyung was bewildered of what was going to happen if Jin drink that but nonetheless J-hope and Namjoon just stay calm playing innocent at all while still eating

"Just play with the act and you will see his priceless reaction"Namjoon said to both of them

Still feeling uncertain Jungkook just shrug looking at Taehyung feeling the same
   When Jin came back on his seat he look at J-hope and Namjoon  acting that their busy stuffing food in their mouth

"Jungkook did they put anything on my drink?"Jin ask being suspicious
J-hope wink at Jungkook sending him 'just play with it look'

Jungkook contemplate if he will said the truth or just deny it

"Umm,t-they didn't"he try denying but stammered a little

Jin have a confuse look but he just shrug it off and hold up his glass to drink
   Taehyung widened his eyes to Jin unable to say anything before he could stop him from drinking he was too late when Jin spit out the drink and some of it went on Namjoon's shirt

"Jwkskswkl,what the heck!"Jin's face boiled up with anger mixed with the redness of his face because of the hot sauce and the weird taste of it

J-hope and Namjoon burst out laughing getting the attention of other customers in the restaurant while the two look at him apologetically

"I knew it,you two you even convince Jungkook and Taehyung   to come up with this"Jin glared at  both of J-hope and Namjoon that is still laughing  

"That's really hilarious"J-hope said grinning
"Really huh? then you two don't have dinner for the whole week"Jin retort back causing the two to stop grinning and having a dreadful reaction on their face
then they start apologizing and whining to Jin but he doesn't budge not giving up easily

"Hyung were sorry too,please forgive them?"Taehyung said having a soft expression on his face,Jin didn't expect that nor he can handle the adorable expression that Taehyung was giving him so in the end Jin accept his apology and lessen the punishment for the two that they will not have dinner later

"You three live together?"Jungkook suddenly ask them

"Yeah,were living in an apartment but Jin hyung was the one making decisions around"Namjoon reply eyeing Jin
"How about you two?"J-hope ask this time leaning against the table
"Ahm,we have our own house and were just neighbors just near our campus"Jungkook answered looking at Taehyung just nodding

"That's nice,can we come over after school?"J-hope ask hopefully so that he can have a free dinner later

"Ahmm,sure just look for us outside of the campus after school"Jungkook said nodding

"Yessssss!!!"J-hope gleefully said

"Hey,guys we have to go we just have thirty minutes before the break ends"Jin said looking at his watch knowing it have a fifteen minutes drive before they got to the campus

So they leave,before Taehyung payed then head outside walking to Jungkook's car
The three get inside the passenger seat while Jungkook and Taehyung get inside the driver and the front seat
While Jungkook is driving that three start a conversation knowing each other to break the silence

Now the three was walking to the field heading to their class when Taehyung spotted Lisa with her friends walking on the side of the field not so far away from them
  Then his gaze follow them feeling his heartbeat beating wildly inside of him just by staring to her,he didn't know yet why he felt it or neither why he keep acting like this when Lisa was around and was so starstruck over her beauty
He think he might have a crush on her

While Taehyung was staring to Lisa the four notice his reaction then curiosity kicks them having a questioning look on their face they follow where Tae was looking and they see that he was looking directly at Lisa

"You know that she will melt if you will keep staring at her like that"J-hope joke teasingly at Taehyung

Taehyung instantly snapped her head looking away making her face blush of embarrassment while the three still have the questioning look on their face

"Woah woah woah!Did I see it right you are blushing,do you have a crush on Lisa?"Jin say stating the truth he have a knowing look on his face

Jungkook widened his eyes about what he just hear and waiting for Taehyung's answer
  Tae was very surprised of what was Jin said and he know that it was the truth but he was still didn't know if he would admit it to them and he wouldn't want to lie to them especially to Jungkook

"Ahmm,uhhh I-I....."Taehyung was starting to talk when the bell rang signalling that the break was over
  The three groaned excluding J-hope he already see it to Taehyung that he like Lisa but he would also want to hear Taehyung say it

Taehyung sighed because he is saved by the bell then they start to run to their next class

"Again!!!"Jungkook mumble to himself cause its the second time that they ran because of the time
but he still enjoyed it he like running after all, then his mind drifted off to what was Tae gonna say before the bell interrupt
  "He like Lisa?"He questioned himself wanting to know the truth and he would find it sooner when he confront Taehyung about it

Hey bunicorns I'm back!
I'm busy with the school lately but hopefully I can still update

So here's another chapter,I know its not too long but the next chapter will be
Also this sign "******" means time skip 
  Thank you bunicorns!!💕
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A Way in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora