Chapter 2 - How They're Left Hanging

Start from the beginning

After lunch we all went our separate ways which means separate classes. Mae and Karen to their history class, Brenda on AP Language and I to calculus class. Although most classes were boring today, it's actually the first time that I appreciated them and now that I appreciate them, it's funny because time actually flew faster than usual. Huh, maybe that's what happens when you enjoy what you’re doing. Damn! I should've figured this out before. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I'm now at my Physics class. I took a peek on my wristwatch. It's already exactly 2:55 P.M. I raised my right hand slowly for Mr. Watson to see me.

"Yes Ms. Evans?" His creepy low voice echoed in the room. He lowered his round eyeglasses slightly to the bridge of his nose and looked at me and so does everybody, including Eric who is, by the way in my Physics class.

"It's already 5 minutes to 3 Mr. Watson, I believe Principal Jenkins already told you to dismiss me 10 minutes before 3." I answered in probably the most polite voice I have ever let them hear.

Mr. Watson quirk his eyebrows "Your being strangely formal today Ms. Evans-" he pushed his eyeglasses back and turned his eyes to the physics book his holding. "- Very well. You are dismissed."

"Thank you, Mr. Watson" I said hastily while standing up then leaving the classroom.

I brisk walk to the girls’ locker room knowing that I have less than 5 minutes to take all my belongings to Brenda's beetle in the school's parking lot. I took a bag from my locker, a big bag I always use for emergencies, and placed all my clothes, shoes and other belongings to it then brisk walk again to Brenda's beetle. I went back to my locker in the hallway as soon as I placed the big bag at the back seat. I opened the locker and took a medium sized bag, my other emergency bag, and placed all the remaining things that's left, which are, books, make-up tools and kit and other random things that I don't even remember I own. For the second time, I went to Brenda's beetle and placed the smaller bag next to the first one. I sat at the edge of the backseat with the door open wide.

I'm done. Finally!

I sigh as I was thinking and took deep breathes with my eyes closed. I opened them seconds later and tried to grab my iPhone from my sling bag only to find out that I don't have my sling bag!

"Crap!" I muttered to myself when I remember leaving it in the locker down the hallway. I stood straight up and slammed the car door shut before running towards my locker. As soon as I arrived, I sigh in relief when I saw the locker door open with my sling bag inside of it.

Really? You didn't even close it? Stupid!  I thought to myself.

I quickly grab it and place it in my shoulder and then gently shut the locker door. My hand roamed inside my sling bag in search of my iPhone. I pulled it out as soon as my hand felt it.

I'll be at the parking lot. Brenda's car.

I hit send and placed it back to my sling bag. Just when I was about to walk away and head to the parking lot, someone grip my waist firmly with his one hand from behind and cupped my mouth with the other to stop me from shouting which most likely worked because no matter how hard I tried, my voice just came out to be like a squeaking squirrel. But that didn’t stop me from trying because although I sound really, really weird and embarrassing, I didn't stop screaming while his hands are still on me. He dragged me to a dark room which I'm sure is the storage room. He locked the door with the hand he used to grip my waist and sternly pushed me to the wall to face him. Unfortunately the room doesn't have any windows at all so even if I face him all I see is plain black. As I felt his hand on my mouth relaxed. I shove it off. You are so dead asshole.

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