Sleep Paralysis Demon

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(y/n) pov

I look at Brandon's face and suddenly everything I had planned to say to him has left my brain and now I am just standing there staring at his beautiful face with my mouth opening practically catching flies. Brandon lifts his hand up and closes my mouth. He looks very tired. "What are you doing here?" Brandon says finally breaking the silence that was between us. No words have decided to go to my brain so I stand there in silence, staring at him. Brandon sighes and moves out of the way for me to walk in. Finally I gain control of my legs and I walk into the apartment. 

Finally, after sitting there for a good second, the words start to poor out of my mouth. "Brandon, last night, I had dream about you and your... characters.... and something happened and... and..." I try not to cry. "You yelled at me and told me to get away from you and you would only hurt m-" Brandon cuts me off by suddenly hugging me. I stand there holding back the rain that was coming out of my eyes. After a second of standing there hugging me, he says "It's all true." It was so quiet I wouldn't have heard it if I wasn't hugging him right now. "W-what did you say?" I pushed away from Brandon and almost immediately I miss the feel of him in my arms. 

"Everything you saw, heard, felt... was real. I thought, hoped, that we would never meet again. But there you were at the coffee shop and I knew I should have never went back but I couldnt't stop thinking about you." He takes a deep breath and continues. "I just had to see you again. One last time. I was scared I would never see your beautiful face ever again (y/n)." Once again I had nothing to say to Brandon. 

We stare at each other when suddenly my body took control of itself and walked right up to Brandon. I was inches away from his face and I feel his breath on my face. "No matter what happens, I want to be with you." I say as  slowly lean forward and kiss his soft lips. 

Before either of us could process what was happening there was a knock on the door. Brandon pushes away and looks through the peephole and I watch as fear spreads across his face. "I didn't think he was a real person yet." Brandon whispers. I look at Brandon. "Who?" I say. "Oh Brandon~" A voice says. "My sleep paralysis demon." 

The knocking gets louder and louder until suddenly it stops and all is quiet. "I don't know how I keep forgetting that I can just go through the window." The voice from outside says from behind me. I turn around and look at the purple being behind me and scream.  

(AN: Hey guys! Here is a chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Have a great day and I will talk to you in the next chapter.) 

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