Yandere Cartman x Female Reader

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Im sorry that I haven't updated in so long uwu imma work on these oneshots today since im watching South Park rn uwu

Anyways enjoy
Your pov
I was playing video games with my friends Stan, Kyle, Eric, and Kenny. We were playing Mario Kart 8 and I was TOTALLY kicking everyones asses.

"FUCK YEAH IM IN FIRST," I yelled until Kenny nudged me to the ground, causing me to drop my controller. Damn it Kenny >:(

"Not for long!! Ha ha!" Kenny smirked and he was now in first. I quickly grabbed it and started to catch up to him.

"Its gonna be close!" Kyle said.

"Who's gonna win? Who do you think Cartman?" Stan went and asked Cartman. He didn't say nothing, probably still pissed off cause Kyle beat him at the game.

"Aaaaaand!" Kyle says while being at the edge of the couch. I passed Kenny and was first, and reached the finish line. Hell yeah, I won!!

"YES I WIN AGAIN," I say and smile.

No ones pov
As Y/N was laughing and claiming her victory, Cartman was secretly blushing and smiling at her cause of how beautiful and funny she is. He just wanted to keep her for himself, and love her forever.

'Soon I will have her and make her mine~' Cartman thought to himself.


It became dark, so the boys had to leave. They all left, but Cartman stayed behind, hiding inside the house. Y/N sighed and began to wash all the dishes, humming to herself. She finishes and starts going up to her room.

She yawned and went up to her room.

"Mmm...tima ta go ta bed....so sleepy," She smiles to herself. Y/N goes and falls asleep. Cartman though, followed her and was now watching her sleep.

"Soon Y/N...you will be mine...no one will take you away from me~" Cartman whispers to himself as he kisses her and goes off to his house.

•next day•

Y/N wakes up and yawns. Another day...another shitty morning. She changes and gets ready to go see her friends, until she got a phone call. She goes and answers her phone.


Kyle- "Dude! You gotta come over here quick, at Cartman's house! We found something!"

"Um ok? Sure."


Y/Ns pov
I began walking over and walked inside Cartman's house. What the hell did they wanna show me? What was so important??

"Guys?...Hello?" I called out. Probably in the basement...I went downstairs and saw them. All with terrified looks on their faces.

"Hey guys? You alright? Kyle you sounded very very worri-" I froze when I saw what was in front of me. It was a fucking shrine...dedicated to me. Alright this is pretty fucked up right here.

"What...the...FUCK-" The lights were suddenly cut off.

"What the fuck dude?!" Kenny blurted.

"Augh!!" Stan's voice yells.

"S-Stan?! Sta-AAA" Kyle was taken away. ALRIGHT WTF?!

"Dude we gotta get outta he-AUG" Kenny was cut off.

"K-Kenny?....Ken?-" Somethin hit me hard on the head and I blacked out.

•Uh oh•
Kyle's pov
I woke up and was tied to a pole. Augh my head hurts...what hit me?! I look around, seeing Stan tied to another pole across from me, Kenny strapped to a chair, and Y/N on the bed tied up and all still passed out.

"Where the fuck am I..." I said to myself quietly. Suddenly the door opens and I saw Cartman. Fucking asshole bet he is behind this!

"Hey Kyle...." Cartman smiles to himself and was holding a knife.

"Cartman! Why are we here?! What-MPH," I was gagged with a cloth and he glared at me.

"Shh~ My love is still asleep~ Dont wanna wake her up yet..." he said holding the knife closer to me. My eyes widen and I began to struggle. Then I heard rustling on a bed. We both look and it was Y/N stirring awake.

Y/N's pov
I was waking up and felt myself tied down. Why though....wait DID I GET KIDNAPPED?? Oh god...I look and saw Kyle, Stan, and Kenny tied down.

"K-Kyle?" I said. I see Kyle and Cartman look at me. Wait why the hell was Cartman here?? Fucking creep hmph! He looked at me and gave me a sadistic grin.

"My darling! You're awake!~" He says while walking towards me. I kept struggling but it was no use. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"You look so adorable like this~" he says.

"Cartman! Whatever you're doing needs to stop! Just let us go!" I plead. He pets my head and smiles.

"Oh baby~ I can't do that, you'll leave me if I do that..." he says darkly.

"I will never let you go...but im going to make sure that those assholes dont get in my way!" He gets up and grabs a chainsaw, starting it and walking towards Kyle.

"C-Cartman! N-no!" I stutter. I look and see Kenny and Stan both waking up. They groan as their eyes flutter open and widen quickly as they saw Cartman about to slice Kyle in half. Kyle was struggling to break free but no avail.

"Bye Kahl!~" Cartman smiles. Kyle gave one last scream before Cartman began to slice him in half.

Kenny broke free from the ropes as he grabbed a machete and aims it at Cartman. He was about to attack him with it, until Cartman decapitated Kenny with the chainsaw, still having that insane look on his face.

". . ." Stan was frozen in shock as I was struggling from the ropes as they went loose! I quickly got up and started to untie Stan, until I was pulled away from him.

"Y/N...why are you trying to help him?! He is in the way of you and I! Our happy ending won't be ruined! And I will make sure of it," He said the last part darkly as he decapitated Stan's head with the chainsaw.

. . .jfc

Cartman smiles as he licked the blood from his hand and went closer to me. I back away slowly as he came closer. I ended up backing up to a wall. Im done for...

"Come on Y/N~ now we can have our happy ending!~"

"Y-You're insane!! I will never love you!"

"You will love me!~" He comes near me and crouches down to me and is inches away from my face.

He gives me a peck on the lips and I try struggling away but he holds me tight. He was holding a needle as he injected something into me. I felt as I was about to pass out, but he whispers something in my ear before I do.

"If I have to break you just to make you love me, then so be it~"

How was that? :)

Words- 1157

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