Yandere Kenny x Innocent Reader

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No ones pov
Y/N was walking around with Butters smiling. She giggled at his funny comments and was blushing a bit.

"I really had fun at our movie night Butters!" Y/N smiled and held his hand. Butters looked away for a while and began blushing, but he frowned when he saw a certain boy.

A certain orange parka wearing boy that is :0

It was Kenny! But...he was holding a knife and glaring right at him. You see, Kenny really loves Y/N, but Y/N is too naive and innocent to see that. She was looking at the sky since the stars were amazing to her.

Butters held Y/N's hand tighter as soon as he saw Kenny with the knife. Kenny chuckled to himself and walked away in the shadows. Y/N looked down at their hands, she tilted her head as she looked up at Butters.

"Butters, how com you tightened my hand?" She asks. Butters looks straight back at Y/N and smiles.

"Oh its uh, nothing Y/N! Say, how about we head to my house? Ya know, a sleepover!" Butters says and chuckles.
Y/N's eyes widens and she smiled eat to ear.

"YAY! SLEEPOVER!" Y/N giggled and hugged him. Butters sighs of relief and looks back to where he saw Kenny, but didn't see him in sight.

Butters mentally smiled, he was probably going crazy, he didn't see Kenny, and Kenny wasn't gonna kill him or Y/N right?...


They reach Y/N's house.

"Imma go get some things I'll be right back," she giggles and goes inside her house.

"Alrighty! I'll wait outside," Butters says and smiles. He sighs and looks up at the sky as he walked around. Until suddenly, he was pulled by someone and a knife was held to his throat.

"Must be a lovely evening for you ain't it Butters..." Kenny whispers into his ear. Butters gulps and was shaking.

"K-Kenny w-w-what are y-you d-doing h-h-here?"

"You know god damn well why I am here Leopold!" Kenny glared and bared his teeth.

"Butters! You alright? I'm almost done! Just getting my jacket," Y/N says and began putting her jacket on.

Kenny grins to himself as he accidentally makes a small scar on Butters's collar bone area. He struggles out of his grip and puts his hand to his neck, feeling the blood dripping.

"....I will be back to kill you, and take away Y/N..." Kenny smirks licking the blood and walking away. The front door opens, Butters quickly wipes the blood off and smile nervously.

"Sorry I took so long, but I'm ready now!" Y/N smiled and held his hand.

"Alright, lets g-go!" Butters says and while walking, he kept looking around cautiously.


Butters and Y/N soon reached his home. They went inside, and began watching a scary movie called 'Fear' (Yes this movie is real I recommend this movie A LOT it's actually a movie about a boy who is obsessed with this girl, and is kinda insane for her. Watch it if you haven't uwu).

"Imma go change into my pjs! Brb!" Y/N grins and goes in a room to change.

Butters sighs and went to go close the curtains, until he looked up and saw....Kenny. At his window...blood all over himself and grinning like a maniac.

He began to bang his fist on the window making a small crack. Butters's eyes widen and shuts the curtains quickly. He was seeing things, as soon as he opens them, he will be gone! He opens the curtains quickly, no Kenny but, the crack was still there.

"O-oh hamburgers...I g-gotta get Y/N!" Butters says and goes to get Y/N, but then...the lights went out. Luckily Y/N was finished changing, so she was wearing a onesie pj of a (f/a).

"Butters? The l-lights w-w-went out!...im k-kinda scared..." She stutters and goes to find him. She starts to go downstairs carefully, until she heard a vase break.

"B-Butters?!" Y/N yells and goes downstairs faster.

•with Butters•

Butters was trying to look for Y/N, until he was pushed to the ground and his mouth was quickly covered.

"Mph!! Mmmph!!" Butters yells were muffled.

"Shut up....I don't want Y/N hearing your stupid voice..." Kenny growled and began to start choking him.

"K.....Ken....Kenny........Y....Y/N.....h-help....me....." Butters cried out for help, crying for Y/N. He breathed his one last breath and his eyes went dull and his heart stopped.

"....finally...hehe...haha....Y/N will be mine, no more will she have to fear the horrible world, and only have me to rely on," he smiles and went to find her.

"B-Butters? Are you o-ok?...Im really worried," Speak of the angel herself~

Kenny licks his lips and gets the rag filled with chloroform ready. He went on the side of the rail carefully and quietly, waiting for her.

She stepped right near Butters's dead body, not noticing either Kenny or the body. Kenny grinned and put the rag at her face. She passes out and went limp.

"Lets go home Y/N~" Kenny whispers and carries her bridal style to his house.


Y/N wakes up in a room, but she was tied up to a bedpost. She tilted her head as she tried to struggle out of the ropes. Was this Butters's doings?...Why would he tie her to the bed? Maybe he wanted her safe from all the bad things? The door opens revealing...Kenny?

'What is Kenny doing here?...wait a darn sec...am I in his house?' Y/N thought to herself. Kenny chuckled to himself as he walked closer to Y/N, sitting on the bed right next to her.

"Hello my darling~ How was your nap?" Kenny smiled while stroking her cheek softly, his tongue sticking out...that fucking horny bastard >:/

"It was...good! Have you seen Butters though? Is he in a different room? I wanna see how he his? Also...why am I tied up?" Y/N asks. He giggles and pets her softly.

"So delicate...." he whispers. "Oh, Butters isn't with us right now, just the two of us~ He is...at his place, he told me that he needed to do a thing and the sleepover got canceled."

"Oh...well hope he is alright. But can you untie me please? The ropes are kinda hurting my wrists," Y/N smiles a little.

"Oh baby...they may hurt but you'll get used to it~ I just can't have you leaving me...for him," he whispers the last part.

"Um Kenny...I gotta leave tho-"

"How about you have a sleepover with me! Just you and me!" He smiles and holds her hand. Her eyes light up and she gasps.

"OK!" She giggles.

Kenny mentally sighs, too innocent for her own good. She cannot be let out in the world, not like this that is. Kenny kisses her cheek. She blushes and giggles.

Maybe he could do even more than just kissing with her, but that is gonna be saved for another time~

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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