Our Halloween party! (Halloween special!)

Começar do início

I finally understand as my mouth made an 'o' shape as I examine the outfit in a new light or new understanding. I sigh as I started removing my clothes and replacing it with the outfit. I remember Matthew used to tell me the story a lot, sure I grew out of it but I have always liked the book. I'm glad Arthur liked it as well, I really want to make him happy. For Arthur. For his happiness...

Arthur's POV

I just got to the ball room and it was packed! I couldn't even see Alfred. I started to panic a little, but calmed down and immediately headed for the food table. One thing I realized about Alfred is he loves food (so why in the hell he has such a perfect body I wouldn't know), so he's probably at the snack bar or he will go there pretty soon. I lean against the table as I looked at the amounts of people there. Please come quick dear. I don't want to be alone...

I finally see him dancing with this really pretty girl. She had long blonde hair with glasses. She was dressed as a pretty skeleton with a dark red and black dress as well as stockings, make up making her look like she was a skeleton. They were laughing and talking as they dance throughout the whole song. He didn't even notice me, even when the song stopped and they were handed champaign. I felt my heart break at this as I thought he finally met the one, his self-chosen queen. I felt tears prick my eyes as he finally notices me. He seemed surprised as I only look down and move into the large amounts of people, so he wouldn't find me.

I can't believe it. Alright I suspected it to happen, but I didn't think it will hurt this much. He really found her, his queen. I shouldn't be sad, I knew I was merely a servant to him or just someone to protect or a friend. I knew he wouldn't love me no matter how hard I try. I knew all of this so why does it feel as if my heart is breaking and just silently begging to stop beating...?

I was just about to burst out in tears when I feel someone grab my waist and start swaying me with the rhythm of the music. "Did Alfred finally leave you alone mon cheré?" I immediately recognized the French accent as my eyes widened and I looked down. "Yes your majesty. He was dancing with someone else," I informed him in a soft ladylike voice. "Such a shame really. He can't appreciate beauty even if it hit him in the face," Francis sighed and pulled me closer by the waist. If you don't stop now, I'll hit YOU in the face. I cringed a little as I was just begging for Alfred to come back and save me. For him to just hold me in his arms where I feel safe and relaxed, even if he doesn't love me I just really want him.

"Mon cheré. I'm asking a question. Why would you want to work for Alfred who can't admire beauty, when you can come work for me?" He asked the same question as I snap out of my silent begging. "Uhm well you see your majesty-" I was about to say something when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It seems like Francis also felt a tap since we both looked next to us where we see a pretty pissed Alfred. "Francis what are you doing?" He asked dangerously. "Just keeping your lover busy while you were away dancing with other girls," Francis responded with a slight sneer in his voice. "Well I'm back so do you mind giving me my date back," he sneered back with a creepy, possessive smile as Francis let go of me. "Fine, but next time I'm taking her for myself," Francis informed as he walked away. Alfred immediately dragged me to his room, well technically our room since we share it.

When we finally got there he immediately shut the door. I look down not wanting to look him in the eye. Sure I was definitely grateful for him saving me from Francis, but I was still heartbroken for what happened with him and that girl or rather his queen. Because I was paying attention I didn't notice Alfred coming in for a hug till I felt his arms around me. I panicked a little, but soon calmed down knowing Alfred won't hurt me.

Goodbye my dear King Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora