The Order and THe Noah

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Allen work first. He came down to see a large spread of food waiting for him. He grinned. “You out did yourself!” Allen cried as he sat down to eat. The large man laughed.
“I have more for your friends when they wake up.” He watched the boy happily.
“This is all for me?” Allen looked delighted with the thought. When his cook nodded he laughed grabbing a fork and digging in.
Lavi was the next to arrive. Allen was happily  munching away.
“Got anything for the rest of us?” The one eyed teen asked. The large man handed him a plate with a smile. Lavi thanked him then took a seat beside Allen. Daisya and Krory came down together.
“Mother is with your wounded friend. She took him up something to eat this morning.” The large man said sitting down to eat with them.
“Kanda’s tough. He will be fine.” Daisya said around a  mouthful of sausage. They laughed at him. They ate their meal in silence just little jabs at each other. Then mother came down.
“Allen, just what have you gotten yourself into?” She demanded her hands on her hips. “That boy up there is the leader of the black order!” she nearly cried out.
“He’s not the leader, just one of the best fighters we have.” Lavi piped up. Allen looked around at his friends. He turned back to mother.
“I don’t know what the Black order is. I was kidnapped by a Noah named Tyki Mikk.”
“Oh no!” The old woman moaned as she sank into a seat. “Manna feared you would find them before you found his magician.” She rubbed at her temples.
“Well he kind of found them at the same time.” Daisya said.
“That man upstairs IS the Magician. Lavi chimed in.
“Tell me your story Allen.” After the table was cleared and the dishes done, they all went into a small living room. Allen sat on a loveseat with the old woman who took his hands in her own. Lavi perched on the windowsill near Krory who sat in an easy chair. Daisya found a spot on the floor leaning back against the loveseat beside Allen. The white haired boy told their hosts his tale.
Lavi and Daisya only interrupted to fill in blanks that Allen had. Like what exactly was the black order.
“It started as the order Kanda was recruited by Manna Walker when he was a boy. He was raised, trained and taught magic so that he could find the key to destroy the Noah.” Lavi informed them. “When Manna died Komui Lee became the head of the order. Kanda used Tyki’s slaves to get messages to the order in exchange for him saving their lives. Then you showed up.” The red head leaned over to ruffle Allen’s white locks. They grinned at each other.
“The purpose of the Black order is to destroy the Noah Clan.” Everyone startled as the deep voice of Yu Kanda filled the room. He stood at the bottom of the stairs. On hand clutching his taped up ribs, the other knuckle white gripping the door frame to keep him standing. Lavi rushed to him. Krory stood to allow the magician to sit in his seat.
“You shouldn’t be out of bed!” The old woman scolded. Kanda just tsked at her. Daisya and Lavi grinned. They knew that this meant he was healing just fine.
“We need to get to the Lee’s.” Kanda stated glaring into the silver orbs of Allen Walker. “You said you knew where they were.” He waited.
“And so he did.” A voice came from the kitchen. The one room no one but the old woman and her son had entered as of yet. A tall man stepped out. He wore a white coat, black pants with blue shoes. His long hair reached the collar of his coat. He peered at Kanda through glasses just touching the tip of his nose. He held a bunny mug in one hand steam coming from the top of it.
A very pretty girl with long black green hair stood slightly behind him. She had on a black dress with tall black boots. A thin line of green ran down the front of her boots. Her large eyes scanned the crowd before her.
“Allen are you ok?” She asked seeing the boy. She tried to push past the man who gave her a small smile before stepping aside. She rushed to kneel in front of Allen.
“I’ve been so worried about you.” She gushed large tears streaming down her face.
“You all but kicked me out, why would you worry.” The man sighed.
“It was what Manna instructed us to do upon his death. We tried keeping tabs on you. You vanished shortly after we sent you our location.” The man stepped further into the room. He paused when Lavi and Daisya stood to protect Allen.
“It’s ok, they’re friends of mine, I guess.” Allen muttered. He reached out to wipe the tears from the girls face. “Lenalee don’t cry, I’m fine.” Her small fingers traced a wound on his arm.
“These are new.” She said. Allen blushed turning his face away.
“Tyki is rough with his slaves.” Kanda snarled. Lenalee jumped at the sound of the mans voice.
“Oh Allen!” She cried again throwing herself into his arms. He hugged her tight.
“Honestly I’m ok.” Allen tried to comfort the weeping girl as he rubbed her back. She settled into his lap, keeping her face buried in his neck.
“Can we assume this is Lenalee Lee and her brother Komui?” Daisya asked the magician. The dark head nodded. “Wonderful.” The jester sat back onto the floor. Lavi retook his window seat as Krory found a place next to Kanda on the floor as well.
“So what is our plan moving forward?” Komui asked. He sat on the arm of the love seat. His intense eyes locked to the magician.
“We unlock the key, see just what we have to bring down the Noah.” He said.
“But the Noah can’t be killed.” Lenalee pulled her head from Allen’s neck. She wiped her tears away on her own. Yet, even under the glare of Kanda, she didn’t move from her seat on Allen’s lap.
“Tell that to Tyki Mikk.” Daisya drawled. Komui snapped his head to look at the boy.
“What happened to Tyki?” he asked.
Lavi pointed to Allen. “He blew him up.” The grin that split the pirate’s face was catching. Allen returned it as did Daisya and Krory. Kanda just growled a ‘che’ at them.
“They can be killed then?” Komui said.
“Unless he reassembled in the Ark.” Kanda pointed out. The Ark. The mysterious ship that was the source of the Noah’s power. If they could find that, destroy it, they had a fighting chance at ending the reign of terror the Noah’s had instilled in the world.
“Noah’s Ark?” Allen gasped. He stared into space. “Manna talked of it. I thought he was only referencing the bible, but…” he trailed off. All eyes were on him as he began to hum a melody.
“What is that tune?” Komui asked. Allen paused he blinked at the Chief of the Black Order.
“It is just a melody Manna and I wrote. We created our own language.” A small smile touched his lips as he remembered the man who had adopted him.
“As far as we know only two Noah’s can control the Ark. The Earl, and his niece Rode Camelot.” Komui said.
“Or the missing Nea.” Kanda inserted.
“Nea…” Komui whispered the name. “The 14th Noah. The one they all killed because he turned his back on the Earl. If only we knew how to find his essence. Maybe we could sway him to help us.” He rubbed at his chin as he thought about the possibility.
“He’s here.” Kanda said. Their heads snapped around to look at the magician.
“What do you mean?” Komui stood fist clenched at his sides.
“Manna Walker was a rejected Noah. Nea’s older twin brother.” Kanda informed them. “They didn’t have the Ark to save his soul, instead Manna took it into himself. It laid dormant in the man as he had no connection to the Noah.” There was silence as Kanda told them Manna’s darkest secret. “He called it the key. Only someone who was in line to become a Noah would be able to activate the key, and only with the words I was taught. My magic alone can unlock Nea.” He whispered.
“We still have to find this key then.” Komui said.
“No we don’t.” Lavi’s said green eye locked onto the silver orbs. They stared at each other. “Kanda said he was the key.”
“Allen Walker wasn’t adopted by Manna just because he was an orphan boy. Allen Walker had Noah blood. Or whatever it is they search for to use that person as a vessel to the Noah bloodline. Manna kept him near him so that he could pass Nea to the boy when it was time. He just died before he could prepare the boy for what was to come.” Kanda said.
“Are you telling me, if you unlock the key, Allen dies?” Komui asked. Lenalee gasped tossing her arms back around Allen’s neck.
“No there has to be another way!” She squealed into his shoulder.
“I’m afraid there isn’t we need the player to activate and control the ark. Only Nea can play the music.” Kanda said sadly. Lavi squeezed the magician’s shoulders. Only he understood the pain the other was in, having begun to fall in love with the scared pale boy.
“I can ask grandfather if there is anyway to save Allen.” The pirate offered.
“Once a Noah is unleashed it takes over the soul ,the mind and the body it possesses. There is no hope for the vessel.” Kanda said in a tone void of all feeling.
“Allen’s stronger than that!” Krory said from the floor.
“It doesn’t matter.” Kanda whispered.
“Maybe there is a spell to return the Noah to sleep once we defeated the others?” Lavi suggested. Kanda looked up to him. The hope in his eyes had the other draw back slightly.
“I will ask the panda!” He cried hurrying from the room.
“What is this Nea like?” Allen asked. He looked around the room. “I mean he can’t be all bad if he was Manna’s brother.” Allen tried to find one person to reassure him. “If he turned from the Earl and is trying to defeat him?” The hope was slowly leaving his voice.
“You should all get some rest.” The old woman said patting Allen’s hands. They all went back to their rooms. But none could stay alone.
Half an hour later they were all out and about the small farm. Allen began to chop up wood for the old woman and her son. Lenalee and Daisya carried it inside. Komui sat in the kitchen papers spread out on the table before him, a pot of coffee steaming at his side. Krory began to mow the lawn. Kanda had put himself into a healing sleep to recharge.
Just as they were finishing their chores Lavi came back down with the news that the only way to re-hibernate a Noah is by getting them to agree to it.
“What is that suppose to mean?” Lenalee demanded.
“Only Nea can lock himself back away. I found out something else though.” He paused looking down at his feet.
“Nea only wanted to defeat the Earl so that he could become the Earl. If we unleash him, he maybe able to bring the end to the Noah. Then again he may only kill the Earl so that he can pick up where the Earl left off.”
“Or I can strike a deal with him.” Allen said. They looked over to the boy. “I will need Kanda to allow me to talk with Nea. Maybe we can work something out.” He shrugged. It was time for lunch so the old woman made them stop talking about the Noah and eat. Kanda didn’t reappear until nightfall.

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