Change in plans

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There was a loud knock on the door. Kanda rolled up the parchment they had been writing on. Lavi jumped through the hole in the celling. He had been the only one in the room at the time. Allen was shoved roughly to the cot. Kanda stood in the center of the room, Mugen unsheathed in his hand. The door opened.

The sword came up, stopping the person entering at its point. Allen peered from around the curtain. The man was very round, but tall. He was far taller than the one pointing the sword at his fat wobbly neck. The fear the opposing figure struck in others' awed Allen. He watched as the fat man drew back a step.

"Kanda, magician, I came to talk some sense into you." The man spoke slowly. Allen glanced back at the magician, when had he had time to fix his face. He looked like he had when the white haired boy first saw him.

"The boy stays with me." Kanda said not lowering the sword. A blue white light encircled the other hand. The man in the doorway noticed. He backed up more.

"Tykki doesn't fair well on these long journeys with an empty bed." Holding his hands before him he tried talking to the magician.

"There are other boys on this boat." Kanda stated. The other sighed.

"Let's go to my office. We can all discuss this. I don't like locking up my magician. It is poor manners," Kanda lowered the sword. Slowly he re sheathed it at his side. The light gone from his hand he looked at the man before him.

"I could have escaped at any time. You have no one or nothing on this boat that can stand against me." The man nodded. Kanda reached out a hand for Allen.

"Why don't we leave the boy here." The other said. There was something about how he smirked as the white haired boy emerged from the hidden cot that left a sick feeling in the boys stomach.

"Why so you can have someone come in and take him?" Kanda growled. "Where I go, he follows." The magician folded muscled arms over his chest. The man huffed, his smirk turning upside down.

"Very well. Have it your way, magician." He spat the word. Allen moved to Kanda's side.

"Stay close." Kanda ordered as they stepped from the room. The hall outside was lined with large scary looking men. Allen moved closer to his savor. At the top of the ladder he saw the red head Lavi. He stood with the men that would fight Kanda. He gave the boy a wink. Across the deck Allen saw Krory and Daisya leaning against the side of the ship.

Reaching up to move off of the ladder onto the deck, something grabbed his foot. Kanda was a few steps away, his back to the boy. Allen cried out as he gripped the wooden sides to keep from being pulled back under the deck.

There was a bright flash. Something few past the boy. It heated his back as it rushed into the face of the man holding him. The cry that came from below was cut short. A thud followed the silence. Lavi caught Allen's wrists holding him as he fought to get his feet back on the rungs.

Kanda roughly shoved Lavi aside. "Keep your hands off of him or you will face the same fate." One hand gestured below. A stench of something burnt wafted up to the others. There were sounds of people vomiting from below. Lavi gave Kanda a side smirk. From a hunched position against the far wall he watched the magician pull the boy up to the deck.

They followed the frowning fat man to a third level. A man dressed in stripped black and white pants, a white shirt and black vest opened a door. The man entered first. Kanda stepped sideways to allow Allen to go next. Several of the mean looking crew members were gathered around here.

Allen stepped inside the door. He didn't move any further until he felt Kanda's hand on his back. The magician gently pressed him forward. Tykki sat in a large chair facing a large desk. One foot crossed over the other. He was dressed as he was the day Allen had first seen him, richly. There was an empty chair beside the smiling evil looking man. Allen flinched away from it.

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