District 13

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Fred sees his mother and his surviving friends. Judy says hi Fred, I'm glad we're safe now. Fred says yeah, I know. Fred gives Buttercup to Holly as she hugged and babies him. They're heading to the evening meal when Bertha and Fred are called into meet officials in the headquarters, also known as Command. The people in Command are watching a broadcast of Kevin in conversation with Caesar Flickerman. Fred is surprised to see Kevin in good health. Kevin admits what happened in the Quarter Quell. As Kevin went on saying that no one could follow Beetee's plan. Kevin says that Johanna split up our alliance and that's when I lost him. After Fred killed Johanna, everything went bananas and ran off from Beetee and saw Brutus eating poisonous fruit. I had to put flowers in his hand as he was our secret alliances and I was heartbroken to witness that. Caesar says if you heard is that District 2 is going through their first martyr because of what Brutus did. Kevin says I did not know that, but my plan was to win with the four of us, Brutus, Enobaria and me and Fred. Caesar says now tell me, have you seen Haymitch or spoken to him. Kevin says no, and I don't know what he knew about this conspiracy. Fred sees that Kevin felt betrayed by Haymitch and casts him out as well. Caesar says it was Fred that blew the arena out. Kevin shouts Fred didn't know what he was doing and all we were trying to do is to keep some of our friends alive, but it failed and Brutus is gone. Caesar's conversation talks about Fred's war. Kevin says everyone that's watching, I want everyone to lay all their weapons down because I'm calling for a ceasefire. Fred sees that and says Kevin is a liar. The broadcast ends and Fred struggles with his feelings again. Fred and Bertha disagree about why Kevin would have called for peace in the broadcast. They think Snow put him up to it, but why? Bertha thinks it's because Kevin is still trying to take care of Fred. Fred decides to be the head of the revolution.

Fred Mockingjay Part 1Where stories live. Discover now