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"Yes, yes... No!"
Me and Lucas are in my room, trying to listen to my mom talking on the phone.
"I wonder what they're talking about" Lucas mutters.
"Probably you" I say.
He nods. "Yeah".

The conversation has been going on for half an hour, and I can tell Lucas is beginning to get nervous. We can't watch TV to calm down, because my mom is downstairs, and so is our TV.
"Do you still have that old Nintendo DS?" Lucas asks. I frown, thinking hard.
"I might have it somewhere... It's not charged though".
He sighs.
"Too bad".

I'm sitting at my desk, finishing an essay I had to make. I glance at my phone.

I'm asking my mom tonight
What would you want to do?

I sent it while we were walking upstairs, and he hasn't responded to it yet. I wonder what he'd want to do.
"Maybe you could come along" I suddenly say. "To whatever Rob wants to do".
Lucas looks up, and smiles.
"Maybe" he says. "I really want to see him".
"I just want to know his story" I sigh. I glance at my phone again, and instantly perk up.
"He responded" I say.

I thought we could go somewhere fun
To get to know each other

"He wants to do something to get to know each other" I say.
"Oh! You could go to the zoo!" he suggests. "If I come along".
"Aren't you traumatized by zoos?" I ask him.
"Nah, I just won't get lost this time" he waves it off.
I roll my eyes.
"We're not going to a zoo, that would take an entire day" I say.

Can I bring a friend?
My mom would feel better
Cuz I won't be alone

Ah your best friend
What was his name again?


That's okay
I get it
Where do you want to go?

Maybe a café

Great idea!

"He's fine with it" I say.
"Yay!" Lucas says, clapping his hands.
"If my mom allows me" I remind him. "And you have to promise not to get lost, I was scared to death when you were having that panic attack".
"I don't think I'd panic this time" he scoffs. "I'm not a child anymore".
"I highly doubt that" I say.

I look at his face for a moment.
"You know, you've never told me what happens in those panic attacks" I say. He looks up at me, and raises an eyebrow.
"Maybe if you told me what happened, it would be easier for me to help you get through them" I say. He tilts his head a little, and sighs.
"It's not really a panic attack" he says, and he shifts a little so he sits cross-legged on my bed. "My mom calls them that because she doesn't know what else it could be. It basically happens whenever I'm really stressed out. I don't know, I just can't breathe anymore, and I start shaking..."
He stares at his hands, clearly uncomfortable. I don't want to push him out of his comfort zone, but I also want to know how I can help him if it ever happens again.

"You know how some thought are louder than others?" he asks.
I frown, and nod slowly.
"Well whenever it happens, it's like all my thoughts are at the same volume, and it's like... Super loud. Like my thoughts hurt my brain" he explains. "And it usually helps to have someone talk to me, because it's a clear outside noise".
I nod.
"Thanks" I say. "For telling me".
He shrugs. "Mom knows about it, which is why she knows what to do".
His face turns pale.
"Your mom probably told her about the train station" he says, and he groans. He grabs my pillow, and pushes his face into it.

I get up from my chair, and walk towards him. With a sigh, I sit down next to him, and I put an arm around him. He drops his head against my shoulder, and sighs. He doesn't move his pillow though.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
He mumbles something I don't understand, so I take the pillows out of his hands.
"I guess" he repeats, and he looks up at me. I stare at him for a moment, moving his hair up to see the wound on his forehead. It's already started healing. I gently run my thumb over it, and he shudders.

Sorry" I say, pulling my hand back.
"It's okay" he says quietly. "It only hurts a little".
Carefully, I press my lips on his. He smiles, and kisses me back, putting his hands on my face.

"I have to get used to knocking before I come in".
Lucas jumps back, and falls off the bed.
"Hi mom" I say, a deep crimson blush on my face.
"Boys, I just finished talking to Lucas's parents" she says. "Come downstairs for a minute so we can talk, okay?"
"Yeah yeah, we'll be there in a sec" I say. "You okay Lucas?"
Lucas, who's rubbing his head again, nods.
"Just very embarrassed" he says.
"Okay, I'll see you in a minute. Oh, keep the door open from now on. You'll hear me coming" she says, and she winks at me before walking out of my room.
"Ugh" I groan, hoping my face will cool off soon. "She's so annoying".
"Right, you're the one with an annoying mother" Lucas scowls.
"Right" I say. "Sorry. Let's go downstairs".

We get up, and go downstairs. My mom is sitting on the couch, sipping from a mug.
"I made hot cocoa" she says, gesturing to two mugs standing on the table. I look at her, and raise an eyebrow.
The only other times she's made me hot cocoa was when she explained that my father left, and when she told me my grandma had died. I never knew I had a grandma, but I was sad about it nonetheless.
My mom smiles at me, but it looks more like an apologetic smile than a hopeful one. My stomach twists a little, and I look at Lucas. He doesn't seem to notice the silent interaction and just smiles because he has hot cocoa.

"So, I talked to your parents" my mom says, and she watches us carefully as we sit down. "We had an... Interesting conversation, to say the least".
"Do they still want me to come to Paris?" Lucas asks quietly.
She shoots a glance at me, before saying: "Yes. If you still want to go, they would really like you to go to them. They'll pay for your tickets, and for someone to accompany you on your journey, seeing as you're a minor".
Lucas stares at her, a calculating expression on his face.
"They understand that you want to stay, but they don't know where you would stay, and your school said they'd already erased all your information. Resubmitting you would take even longer than it would for you to go to your new school".

Understanding hits him, and he looks at me with wide eyes. I, despite still feeling slightly awkward about being affectionate with him near anyone else, grab his hand. I knew this was coming, honestly. From the moment he called his parents I realized his mom wanted him back. He talked about his dad being annoyed, but nothing about his mom not wanting him. And though it might seem like his dad is head of the house, his mom has a lot more influence than you'd think.

"I... I have to go back?" he asks quietly. My mom nods, and smiles apologetically at him.
"Believe me, they've tried to give you a choice, but it's simply not possible for you to stay here and finish school" she says. Lucas nods slowly, taking a sip of his hot cocoa. I feel him trembling slightly, and take note of his breathing. It's not irregular yet, but it's growing more rapid.
"They've paid for someone to fly out with you, I believe an acquaintance of yours. You'll be going home on Saturday" my mom continues, her tone gentle and comforting. "Us two will take care of you for the remaining four days".
I give his hand a light squeeze. He looks up at me.
"Did you know this already?" he asks.
"No" I say. "Why?"
He shrugs. "You're just so... Calm".
I smile at him, and lean my head against the back rest of the couch.
"I knew it was coming" I say. "I guess I silently prepared myself for it".

He sighs, a miserable sigh, and turns to my mom.
"Well, thanks for letting me stay with you" he says quietly. "And sorry for making you pick me up at four in the morning".
She makes a dismissive gesture.
"It was nothing. I've gotten up for worse".
I can't recall a moment she had to get out of bed this early, but I'm glad she said it anyway. I don't want Lucas to feel guilty for not dying of hyperventilation.
"Now you two boys go back upstairs and do... Whatever two boys in live do. I have to work some more".
"Can we play Mario kart in the garage?" I ask. I see Lucas smiling a little next to me.
"That's alright" she says. "But if I find out that door is locked, I'll knock it down".
I roll my eyes, getting up and pulling Lucas along with me to the garage. I have to get his mind off of this conversation now, even if that means losing horribly at Coconut Mall to make him feel better.


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