Chapter 3-Verbana Bonariensis

Start from the beginning

"She must learn,Aiden," I say over the wind which drowns some of my volumes but I know he heard me.

Aiden looks at me for a moment, daring me to do something. I don't know what for but he's waiting. Moments pass as we stare down at each other until finally moves his gaze to Belladonna.

He grins slightly "Go ahead and play, Bella" he looks back over at me and full-blown smiles upon seeing my expression.

"Aiden!" my voice booms.

Belladonna wastes no time and runs to our brother, beaming like the sun, and she attacks him in a hug. "Thank you, Aiden!" she cheers gleefully before glancing over her shoulder at me "Goodbye, Calla" then she sprints off toward the village.

I huff in pure aggravation now but it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done and again Aiden is to blame. The boy goes and messes everything up and I'm always the one mother blames. I guess I should be used to it by now.

"Loosen up, little sister. She has years until she has to learn this" Aiden closes the distance between us until he stands directly in front of me.

My teeth clench together as I reach down for my basket of berries. "Yes, but time goes fast, Aiden. Mother wants me to teach her early now since father's death so she can help me. It will not help if you keep bailing her out every time" I sound like mother scolding him but he honestly doesn't give a care about my scolding. He does as he pleases.

Aiden raises his eyebrows at me "I do not bail her out every time"

I roll my eyes "You must be blind then" I start to turn around to head back to the village but his hand wraps around my arm making me freeze in place. I raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to defend himself further.

Instead, he takes me by surprise "We will survive, sister" his eyes bore deeply into my eyes showing me that he has never been more serious about anything.

Not everything will fall apart because of father's death, is what he's saying. A lot of things have changed though and it seems like I'm the only one concerned about it. Like Mikael had said, "Without a husband it is reckless". Although I'm sure mother wouldn't want me to listen to that barbaric man.

I shake my head, feeling the fight in me drain away. Whatever I'll say, he'll just try to calm me down and I'm really not in the mood for a pep talk after he just messed everything up with Belladonna and now I'll hear all about if from mother later on.

"Just what are you doing out here, Aiden?" I change the subject I have little interest in but talking about himself seems to be the only way to change a subject with Aiden. He's so vain at times.

"Mother wanted me to retrieve you, something about helping her in the kitchen. So, really it does not matter that Bella got swooped away by the Mikaelson boy" Aiden shrugs as if amused by our younger sister. "The youngest of the Ames and yet she found love before either of us"

"They've known each other for barely a day, Aiden. Despite what you think you know love does not come so fast" I try not to show my inner amusement at his suggestion but it fails as my lips tilt up.

Aiden smirks, seeing my dark mood lift before his eyes "You never know, dear sister. It could be just the beginning of their love story. Just like you and that other Mikaelson boy"

Any trace of amusement I have toward the conversation vanishes and a disapproving look crosses my face. Nothing to show him that I realize what he means. I mean of course, I realize I just don't want him making fun of me. I like all the Mikaelsons besides Mikael himself, they have been nice to us and I'm truly grateful for it but there is one that stands out the most to me. The one I haven't stopped thinking about since last night and we've haven't spoken a word. Call me pathetic for it but I don't care.

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