>Chapter Thirteen; Surprise<

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While Dallas was at work Nina came up to her a plopped a magazine down in front of Dallas.
Dallas looked at it but didn't really read anything, "What is this?" Dallas asked looked up at Nina.
"Well, in the bottom left hand corner is a picture of Jason Aldean holding RoRo. Underneath that picture is the caption "Secret Son?" Wanna tell me something?" Nina asked looking right at Dallas.
Dallas gulped and sighed, "Surprise." She said.
"Are you kidding me!? Jason freakin Aldean. Why the hell didn't you fess up? You wouldn't be having to work all the damn time if Jason Aldean was paying child support." Nina said a little irritated.
"I knew Jason when he was just Jason Williams. I loved him. We rekindled at his concert in Atlanta and Ronan happened. We agreed not to talk to one another so that's what we did, but we ran into Jason at Walmart and now he's in Ronan's life." Dallas explained.
Nina still looked frustrated, "You just let Jason in like that? He's married, Dal. What if he gets tired of being daddy and goes back to his other family?" Nina said.
Dallas had thought all about that but something told her Jason wasn't going to do that to her and Ronan. Dallas would be more than happy to have Keeley and Kendyl come live with them, "Jason won't do that to us. I believe him when he tells me that and as far as his two girls go, I'd be more than happy for them to come and live with us or at least stay for awhile. They're a part of Jason and I truly want things to work between him and I." Dallas said.
"Can you really do that? Let him leave his two little girls?" Nina asked.
Dallas sighed, "I don't want that at all. I grew up without a dad and it was hell, but now that Ronan knows that Jason is his dad I can't hurt me son and tell Jason to leave and never come back."
"But you could tell him that you don't want to be with him." Nina said.
Dallas looked away and mumbled, "No, I can't."
Nina heard what Dallas had said, "Why can't you?" She asked.
"Cause I'd be lying. I want Jason to stay with me and be in our lives." Dallas said knowing it was selfish.
Nina shook her head, "I didn't know you could be like that.
Dallas sighed, "Neither did I."
Nina and Dallas had dropped the subjects and were just sitting around when they heard people walking up to the nurses station. Dallas put her phone down on the desk and sat up in her chair to see Jason and Ronan walking over to her with flowers, "Surprise mommy!" Ronan quietly yelled.
Dallas couldn't help the smile on her face, "Was this your idea?" Dallas asked Ronan.
Ronan shook his head, "No, it was all daddy." Ronan said pointing to Jason who had a bouquet of yellow roses and "She's The Man" in his hands.
Dallas smiled and Jason and took a few steps closer to him, "You remembered."
Jason smirked, "Yellow roses, your favorite. I also got you a movie for you to skip out and watch." Jason said handing over the flowers and the movie.
Dallas smiled and turned to Nina, "He got us "She's The Man." and you want to be mad at him." Dallas said.
Nina walked around the nurses station and over to Dallas, "So maybe I was to quick to judge." Nina said grabbing the movie.
Dallas turned back to Jason, "Thank you." She said with a smile.
"Don't thank me. Just showing you that I care." Jason said taking a few closer to Dallas and pulling her in for a hug.
Dallas hugged Jason back and whispered another thank you in his ear.
"So, Dal, you ready to skip out?" Nina asked.
Dallas pulled away from Jason and turned to Nina, "You know it."
Nina nodded and went to get her things, "So, are you and RoRo gonna come back home too? Y'all can watch a movie in his room." Dallas said turning back to Jason.
"That sounds good to me. See you at home?" Jason asked.
"See you at home." Dallas said with a smile.
Jason gave Dallas a quick kiss on the lips before letting her tell Ronan bye and that she'd see him at home.
When Jason and Ronan where gone, Dallas picked up the flowers and smelled them. She couldn't believe Jason had remembered that Yellow Roses are her favorite flower.
"So, I was wrong. He's good for you." Nina said admitting to her earlier judgement being wrong.
Dallas turned to look at Nina, "I'm starting to see that." She said as she looked at the flowers and smiled.
"Let's go! We've got some Channing Tatum to watch!" Nina said looping her arm with Dallas'.
"Wait, I've gotta grab my stuff." Dallas said stopping her and Nina.
"No you don't. I already got it. Come on." Nina said pulling Dallas with her again.

**A/N: Do you really think Nina actually believes that Jason won't hurt Dallas or do you think she's just saying it?**

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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