>Chapter Three; Eight Months, Three Weeks, and Two Days Later<

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Dallas was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery of her small two bedroom house when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. For a second Dallas thought she had peed herself but then she realized; her water broke. She grabbed her phone and quickly called Nina.

"Baby time?" Nina asked answering her phone. Nina had started answering her phone like that ever since Dallas hit the eighth month mark.

"Baby time and hurry!" Dallas all but yelling into her phone. She hung up on Nina and called her mother next.

"Hey sweet-" Dallas cut her mother off, "Baby time!" Dallas yelled.

"Oh my! I'll be there in two seconds." Janet, Dallas' mother, said and hung up the phone with Dallas having to.

Dallas started her breathing like she was told to in those stupid classes Nina made her attend. Dallas heard her front door open and then running feet coming toward the nursery.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Nina said helping Dallas out of the rocking chair. Janet came in two seconds later and began packing a bag for Dallas and the baby. She had Dallas' change of clothes and the baby's going home outfit.

"Janet!" Nina yelled.

"Coming!" Janet yelled back hurrying out the door.

They loaded into Janet's car, Janet driving, and Nina in the back with Dallas.

"Shit, it hurts!" Dallas exclaimed as a contraction hit her.

"I know mama. You'll get through it." Nina said comforting Dallas.

"I really hate him so much right now." Dallas said talking about Jason.

Nina stifled a laugh, "We all do."

Dallas till this day hadn't told anyone who the father of her baby is. It was the arrangement; one night that they'd never speak of again.

"Are we almost there?" Dallas asked as another contraction hit.

"Pulling into the parking lot." Janet said. Dallas sighed in relief as she got out of the car and put into a wheel chair where she was taken back to a room.

"We'll get you hooked up and see how far along you are." The nurse said. Dallas nodded in agreement as she squeezed the life out of Nina's hand, "Alright, Dallas, you're two centimeters. So, we've got awhile to go unless your little one moves fast." The nurse said.

"Oh, it better!" Dallas said.

As the afternoon turned into evening the contractions got stronger, dilation got farther, Dallas potty mouth got worse, the epidural came, and Dallas slept for a good half an hour before she was 10 centimeters and ready to push.

"Alright, Dallas, this is where we need you to be as strong as you possible can. You with me?" The doctor asked.

"Uh huh." Dallas said just ready to get her baby out of her. She had her mom on one side and Nina on the other. She wished so badly that Jason could be on one of these sides but she knew he couldn't.

"Push! Push, push, push, push." The doctor said.

Dallas pushed and pushed and pushed until the sound of crying filled the air.

"You're baby boy is here." The doctor said laying this precious baby on Dallas' chest while they cleaned him up.

"My baby boy." Dallas said rubbing her finger over his cheek. His cries turned into whimpers and those whimpers turned to sniffles until the tears were gone. Dallas just looked at her son, the life she created with the man she loved.

"What's his name?" Nina asked.

Dallas thought for a second, "Ronan Jase."

"Welcome to the world, Ronan." Nina said running her finger over Ronan's cheek.

Ronan Jase Smith; six pounds four ounces, nineteen inches, and healthy.

The doctors to took Ronan after a few minutes to give him his shots, take his foot prints, and run some tests.

Dallas couldn't help but let the tears fall. Her and Jason had made this perfect baby boy and he had no idea. Dallas felt terrible but even if she wanted to she had no way of getting up with Jason. Dallas couldn't tell Debbie why she would need Jason's phone number and Dallas wasn't a very good liar.

Later that night while Dallas was asleep she dreamt of Jason sitting in the chair next to her hospital bed holding their son in his arms. She woke up with tears in her eyes knowing her mind was only playing tricks on her.

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