>Chapter Eight; Paparazzi<

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Jason and Ronan pulled up to the hotel Jason was staying at and a few paparazzi were waiting outside.

"Shit." Jason mumbled under his breathe. He thought for a second about how he could possible get around them, but the only thing coming to mind was leaving Ronan in the truck and that wasn't happening.

Jason turned around in his seat to look at Ronan, "Hey bud, I need you to listen closely, okay?"

Ronan nodded, "Yes, daddy."

"There are some people outside who are going to take lots of pictures of us. I'm going to carry you inside so we can get by them quick, alright?" Jason said.

Ronan nodded but questioned, "Why do they wanna take pictures?"

Jason thought for a second, "Cause they want to see how cute you and me are together." Jason said with a smirk. Ronan smiled and giggled.

Jason got out of the truck and kept his head down, he walked over to Ronan's door and opened it for him helping him out, "Thank you, daddy." Ronan said.

"You're welcome, son." Jason said adjusting Ronan on his hip, "Keep your head low, buddy."

Ronan put his head on Jason's shoulder and Jason started walking towards the building. The paparazzi noticed Jason and started taking pictures and asking questions about Ronan, "Jason, who's the boy?", "What's his name?", "What's the boys relationship to you?"

Jason just kept walking ignoring the questions that were being asked. Once he was through the doors he let out a sigh of relief and put Ronan down, "Now that that's over, let's go get my stuff." Jason said holding his hand out for Ronan.

Ronan grabbed Jason's hand and they went over to the elevator, "Daddy, I wanna push the button." Ronan said pointing to the button.

"Go ahead." Jason said nodding towards the button.

Ronan pushed the up button and they waited for the ding. When the doors opened they walked in and Jason told Ronan to push the five.

Jason got his card key out of his pocket when the elevator stopped on the fifth floor.

"E-Nine." Ronan said Jason's room number while Jason unlocked the door.

Jason opened the door and let Ronan inside; he ran inside and jumped on the bed, "Can I jump, please? Mommy won't let me at home." Ronan asked.

"Go ahead. Just don't get hurt, please." Jason said gathering up his belongings.

Jason's phone started to ring so he pulled it out of his pocket; Jessica.

Jason sighed but answered the phone, "Hey baby."

"Hey Jay. What're you up too?" Jessica asked.

"I'm, uh, just hangin around my hotel room. What about you?" Jason asked walking into the bathroom just in case Ronan got a little loud.

"Sittin outside while the girls play. I miss you." Jessica said, you could hear the girls in the background.

"I miss you too, but I'll be home soon." Jason said with a small sigh.

"Why don't me and the girls come down this weekend?" Jessica asked.

Jason's eyes widened, "I'm doing something with some friends this weekend." He said thinking fast.

"Oh, alright." Jessica said and you could hear the slight disappointment in her voice.

Jason was about to say something but then he heard a thump come from the other room.

"I gotta go, Jess. I'll call you later." Jason said and hung up the phone; Jason went into the other room and Ronan was just sitting in the floor, "Are you alright, little man?" Jason asked.

Ronan looked over at Jason, "I'm fine, daddy. I'm just sittin."

Jason chuckled, "Alright, bud."

Jason went back to getting everything together so they could leave.

"Okay kid, let's get goin." Jason said putting his book bag on his back and grabbing his duffle bag. Ronan opened the door for Jason, "Thank you, buddy."

"You're welcome, daddy." Ronan said walking out behind Jason.

Jason and Ronan got to the front doors and the paparazzi was still there, "Stay real close." Jason said looking down at Ronan.

"I will daddy." Ronan said looking up at Jason.

Jason took a deep breath and they began walking back to his truck, the paparazzi once again was taking pictures and asking all the same questions. Jason was so focused on getting past them he didn't realize Ronan had tripped and the paparazzi had surrounded him, "Daddy! Help!" Ronan yelled.

Jason spun around on his heels and saw them surrounding Ronan, "Hey! Get away from him!" Jason yelled pushing a few of them out of the way. Jason scooped Ronan up into his arms, "Are you okay, bud?"

Ronan had a few tears in his eyes and sniffled a little, "My knee hurts."

Jason moved Ronan to look at his knee and there was a cut on it and it was bleeding a little, "You'll be okay, we'll clean it up when we get to the truck." Jason said. Ronan nodded and cuddled into Jason. The paparazzi had gotten the whole thing and Jason was sure it was going to be everywhere tomorrow, but he really didn't care. He picked his duffle bag up and went over to his truck throwing the stuff into the back. He sat Ronan in the front seat and cleaned up his knee before putting him in the back seat. Jason got in the truck and left the hotel going back to Dallas' house.

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