>Chapter Ten; Already leaked<

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"You left your hotel and you have a son!?" Michael slightly yelled. Jason froze, that already got out? He thought he would have more than three hours to think of a way to explain this, but it looks like he's got to explain now.

"Jason, please tell me that isn't true." Michael said.

"Okay, I didn't leave my hotel." Jason said trying to make light of the situation.

Michael sighed frustrated, "Jason, I'm being serious. This is all over Nashville already."

Jason sighed, "I left my hotel. I'm staying with Dallas and my son, Ronan. Jessica doesn't know that I'm here and she sure as hell doesn't know I have a son. I didn't even know until this afternoon." He explained.

"How do you even know this kid is yours?" Michael questioned.

That slightly pissed off Jason, "Because I know Dallas and slept with Dallas six years ago. My son is six years old." Jason said.

Michael grumbled in frustration, "She could have been pregnant when you slept with her. I know you don't want to hear that but Jason we have go by the books here and make sure he's yours." Michael said.

Jason was beyond pissed off by this point, "Are you really going to sit here and call Dallas a whore? The mother to my son, the woman I've been in love with since high school? He is my son and I don't need some test to prove that. He looks just like me when I was his age. You really need to think about what you say next." Jason threatened knowing his anger wasn't going to stay contained much longer.

"Look, Jason, I just don't want this to cause problems in career and that's what it's going to do." Michael sighed.

Jason shook his head, "I don't care what it'll do. The true fans will stick with me and that's all that really matters to me. I don't need some two bit assholes telling me how to live my life."

"Alright, so you don't deny anything. The boys yours and you're staying with this Dallas girl. Wait! Is she that blonde?" Michael asked.

"Yes she is and I'm not denying anything." Jason said.

"What about Jessica and the girls?" Michael asked.

"The girls will understand. It'll take time but they will." Jason said.

"Jessica?" Michael asked.

"Will be alright. She's a grown woman." Jason said and hung up the phone not wanting to talk anymore. Jason leaned forward in the chair and ran a hand through his hair as he sighed out loud. Jason heard the screen door squeak open and he slightly turned his head to see Dallas was coming outside. Jason sat up as Dallas walked over to him and sat in the chair beside him.

Dallas was quiet and Jason was sure she had heard his phone conversation, "I heard the end of that." Dallas said.

Jason looked over at Dallas, "Then you know I'm not leaving you."

Dallas pulled her legs up into the chair and rested her head on her knee, "How are we gonna do this?"

"We're gonna have to work at it. I want to be with you. I've wanted to be with you since high school. I'm not giving you up a third time, Dallie, I can't do that." Jason said.

Dallas got up and moved to Jason's lap and hugged him, "I don't want you too." Dallas whispered.

Jason just held onto Dallas not ever wanting to let her go. This is what he's been waiting on since high school and it feels greater than he ever imagined it would.

They sat on the porch attached to one another for about an hour before going inside.

"I'm tired." Dallas said with a yawn.

Jason looked her way and she looked tired, "You can go to bed, I'm not going to make you stay up."

Dallas bit her bottom lip shyly, "I want you to come with me." She said almost in a whisper.

Jason was a little taken back by it but agreed, "If that's what you want."

Dallas smiled and led Jason up to her room. She showed him which room was Ronan's and which was the bathroom before going into her bedroom.

Dallas got an old t-shirt and a pair of short athletic shorts, "I'm gonna go change."

Jason nodded and realized his bags were still in the truck, "I forgot my bags. I'm gonna get them."

"Alright just bring them up here." Dallas said and went to the bathroom to change.

Jason went outside and got both his bags and back up the stairs he went. Dallas was already in bed when he got up there is he quickly went to the bathroom and changed into basketball shorts. Jason walked back into the bedroom and crawled into bed beside Dallas.

Dallas moved so that her head was resting on Jason's bare chest, "Is this okay?" She asked.

Jason wrapped his arm around her, "It's perfect, baby." He said with a smile.

They laid like that not talking for awhile before they heard the sound of little feet and the bedroom door creek open.

"Mommy, daddy? Can I sleep with you?" Ronan asked from the door way.

Dallas moved away from Jason, "Come on."

Ronan smiled and crawled in bed between Jason and Dallas. They each put an arm over Ronan and looked at each other.

"Goodnight." Ronan said looking between Dallas and Jason.

"Goodnight, RoRo." Dallas said kissing the side of his head.

"Goodnight, bud." Jason said kissing the other side.

Ronan soon fell asleep followed by Dallas. Jason just smiled for him the only thing missing is his girls, with his girls everything is going to be complete. Jason fell asleep thinking about him, the girls, Ronan, and Dallas all living here in Georgia in a big farm house with his dog Athens sleepin on the couch.

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