>Chapter Twelve; Grandma Debbie<

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After Jason had gotten off the phone will Jessica he was just sitting there thinking about everything.
"Daddy, I'm done my Lucky Charms." Ronan said walking into the bedroom. Jason looked over at Ronan, "Alright, bud. We're gonna go see my mom today so why don't we get you dressed?" Jason asked.
"Is your mommy like mommy's mommy?" Ronan asked.
Jason was sure he meant was his mom Ronan's grandmother but to be on the safe side he asked, "Is she your grandma?"
Ronan nodded, "Uh huh."
"Yeah, bud. You've met her before just neither of you knew that you're my son." Jason said standing up from sitting on the bed.
"What's her name?" Ronan asked.
"Debbie." Jason replied.
Ronan got excited, "Ms. Debbie! She's my favorite. She told me I look like her son when he was little."
Jason chuckled, "That's cause you do. You just like me when I was six."
Ronan smiled real big, "I do, daddy?"
Jason chuckled again, "You sure do. We can ask grandma to show you pictures." Jason and Ronan walked to Ronan's room. Jason pulled a pair of blue jeans and a Jake and the Neverland Pirates(My brothers laying beside me watching it on Netflix) shirt out of the dresser and tossed them on Ronan's bed. Ronan started to get undressed while Jason went over to the closet to see what kind of shoes Ronan had. Jason saw two pairs of Nike's, a pair of Timberlands, and cowboy boots, "Hey bud, what shoes do you wanna wear?" Jason asked.
"Those." Ronan said coming up behind Jason and pointing to a pair of black and red Nike's.
Jason grabbed the shoes, "Can you tie them?" Jason asked.
Ronan shook his head, "Not yet. Mommy tries to teach my but it's too hard."
"You'll learn soon, bud. I promise." Jason said handing Ronan his shoes so he could put them on.
When Ronan put his shoes on Jason kneeled down and tied Ronan's shoes for him, "Why don't you go watch cartoons while I get dressed, okay?" Jason suggested.
Ronan smiled, "Okay daddy. Can we surprise mommy today?" Ronan asked.
Jason thought about it for a second, "Yeah, we can bring her flowers or something." Jason said with a smirk.
Ronan smiled, "She will like that."
Ronan went downstairs and Jason went back to Dallas' room and searched through his bag before deciding on a Georgia Bulldogs t-shirt and a pair of faded wranglers. Jason changed his clothes and went downstairs, grabbed his baseball hat, keys, and put his boots on. Jason realized he forgot his phone and went back upstairs and grabbed it off the bed. He looked at his phone and he had three texts; one from Jessica, one from Dallas, and the other from Luke. He opened the one from Dallas first, "Just wanted to make sure you and RoRoBug are having a good time. Call if you need anything."
Jason smiled and text her back, "Hey, we're good. I got your note, nice thinking putting it in the fridge. We're around to head out to see my mom now."
Jason closed out the messages with him and Dallas and opened the message from Luke, "You're in Georgia and didn't tell me! Come on man. Cute kid by the way. Hope his knees alright." What the hell? Jason thought. He quickly responded, "How the hell'd you know about that? His knee is good. Just a scab." Jason opened the text from Jessica waiting on a reply from Luke or Dallas, "Jay, I'm sorry I made you choose. I shouldn't have done that, he's your son and that won't change but you can't hang around Dallas because people will either think you're cheating or that we're splitting up." Jason shook his head. He didn't care what people would think of him. It's his life and no life is perfect that's for damn sure.
Luke had text Jason back, "TMZ. What's his name and when can I meet him?" It's on TMZ already, shit.
Jason responded to Luke's text, "Ronan and whenever we get the chance. I want you to meet Dallas too."
Luke responded almost instantly, "The girl you told me about? That's his mom? Caroline and I were thinkin of grillin up some hamburgers tonight, why don't y'all come on over?"
Jason thought about it for a minute and walked into the living room and sat down next to Ronan.
"Daddy, don't think too hard. You'll getta headache." Ronan said looking at Jason.
Jason looked at Ronan and chuckled, "You're right buddy. Would you want to meet a friend of mine tonight?"
"Yes. I know all of mommy's friends. I wanna know your friends too." Ronan said.
Jason nodded and text Luke back, "Ronan and I will be there. I'll have to ask Dallas later. She's at work right now." Jason slid his phone back into his pocket and looked over at Ronan, "Alright, let's go see grandma." Jason said ruffling Ronan's hair.
Jason and Ronan got into Jason's truck and made the trip to Debbie's house. When they got there Debbie was already sitting on the front porch.
"Hey mama." Jason said when he got out of the truck.
"Hello son." Debbie said and waved. Jason helped Ronan out of the truck and Ronan ran over to Debbie, "Ms. Debbie, you're my daddy's mommy?" Ronan asked.
Debbie looked shocked and then looked at Jason, "Surprise." Jason said with a smirk not knowing what else to say.
Debbie looked from Ronan to Jason a couple times before she spoke, "I always had a feeling. He looks just like you did, Jason." Debbie said.
Jason smiled, "I know. I can't believe how much he looks like me."
Debbie held her arms out to Ronan and he climbed up into her lap, "Do I call you grandma now, Ms. Debbie?" Ronan asked.
Debbie smiled, "I'd like that RoRo."
Jason and Ronan stayed at Debbie's house until about two o'clock. Jason decided to call Dallas and see what she was up too.
The phone rang a couple times before Dallas picked up, "Hey, Jase. Everything alright?"
"Hey baby. Yeah, everything's good. What're you up too?" Jason asked.
Dallas sighed, "Absolutely nothing. The hospital isn't busy at all. Nina and I are actually talking about skipping out early."
Jason smirked, "Like we used to do in high school?"
Dallas slightly laughed, "Just like that. Only instead of going to hang out in my bedroom we we're going to go back to the house and probably watch a Channing Tatum movie."
Jason rolled his eyes, "I don't understand the big deal about that guy."
Dallas laughed, "It's a girl thing. So, what are you and RoRoBug up too?" Dallas asked.
"At my moms place. Hey, would you wanna go over to my buddy's house tonight for dinner? Nothing fancy just hamburgers on the back deck. He's got two little boys Bo and Tate."
Dallas thought about it for a second, "Of course. I told you we'd see where this goes and meeting your friends is a part of that."
Jason smiled, "Awesome. I'll let him know. I gotta go baby. See you at home?" Jason said.
"See you then. Give Ronan a kiss for me and tell your mom I said hi." Dallas said.
"I will. Don't work too hard." Jason said.
"Try not." Dallas said and hung up.
Jason went back into the living room and told Ronan it was time to go. They said their good byes to Debbie and went to go surprise Dallas.

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