"I hate this kid"

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Richie: Ben. Why?

Ben: I...I lost l-love.

Bill: Love? Who?

Ben: You wouldn't know Bill. You get everything. The girl, the happy ending, the family-

Richie: The dead brother-

Bill: Jesus christ Richie! Do you ever know when to shut your mouth.

He shoved me onto the wall, then whispered in my ear: You better stop or i'll kill you Richie. He pulled away and pointed at me.

Bill: I'll kill you. You hear.

Mike: Bill. You finally got over your stutter!

Bill: Don't care. Now, Ben. I haven't got the girl, I don't have a happy ending and I don't have a family. I do but they don't care about me like yours do you.

Ben: No. They don't care about me. They think I'm a fat mess who will never get anything done in his life. Who will never settle down, find love, have kids, have a life. They just think i'll be homeless on the streets by 22.

Eddie: Ben. You don't have to feel that way-

Ben: That's the thing Eddie. I don't feel this way! I am this way.

He shoved past us, in sobs, walked out the boys bathroom and faced Beverly.

Ben: He's not messed up. Keep him. You'd do better without me.

He then pushed past Beverly and walked his way down the corridors. We all walked out to Bev.


That was weird. Ben cut himself because apparently he lost love. Love for who? All he said was that Bill got the girl-Holy shit. I've just figured out who Ben likes.

Eddie: Guys. He was being serious when he said he lost love. He loves someone, someone with a boyfriend already. Someone within the losers.

Richie: Omg. Bev?!

Bev: What?

Bill: What they're trying to say is...

Stan: Ben likes you.

Bill: Stan?!

Stan: Sorry. I had to.

I could honestly feel Bev's heart racing.

Bev: Wait. Bill did you send me this postcard?

She showed Bill a postcard with 'Welcome to Derry' printed across the front and on the back it said "You're hair is winter fire, January embers, my heart burns there too."

Eddie: Wait so is this some sort of poetry?

Richie: Lame.

Eddie: Richie! I swear to god! Stop. Now.

Richie: Okay, dad.

Eddie: Rich-

Stan: Okay boys! Okay, stop.

Bill closely examined the postcard.

Bill: No. That didn't come from me.

Mike: Which means it came from-

Stan: Ben.

Bev: So Ben fit himself because I started to date Bill when he wanted to date me. Oh.

Mike: I'm gonna go after him.

He ran off to go find Ben.

Bev: I'm coming with you, seen as i'm the centre of his troubles.

Bill: Wait, Bev.

Bev stopped Bill in his tracks.

Bev: Bill, I don't think it's best for you to go. Me, Stan and Mike will go. It's for Ben, sorry.

Bill: No i understand.

Bev: Eddie, Richie, you guys go back on the hill, we'll all meet you there. Bill, you stay outside his lesson or in the toilets, just in case he comes back.

Bill: Got it.

Richie: Yes Miss.

I elbowed Richie.

Richie: What?!

Eddie: Shut up!

Richie sighed.

Richie: Good luck guys. May the odds be forever in your favour.

Eddie: Shut up!

Richie: Sorry!

I hate this kid.


Hey guysss! I stg all parts are shit so far. Next chapter will be Richie and Eddie up on the field so prepare yourselves for huge awkward times. Toodles xx

Acacia xoxo


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