Short Circuit (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Close your eyes" he commands and I give him a questioning look. What is going to do? "Don't you trust me?" He smirks but I guess this question holds a lot of weight due to our previous 'you thought I was a murderer' thing.

"Yes I trust you" I reply, smirking back at him before closing my eyes tightly. I feel his hands on my waist as he shuffles me forward.

"Okay, I'm going to guide your hand and your going to tell me when to stop. Wherever our hands land on the map, that's where we'll go"

"What if it's the ocean" I say smartly.

"Then we'll sail there or swim if you prefer" he replies, his fingers tickling my side momentarily. I grab his hand to stop his attack and hear the gorgeous sound of him laughing softly in my ear. This could be a god damn romcom.

Well it could be if I hadn't just accidentally declined his offer of being his girlfriend. I offer I may never get again.

Patrick's POV

Not enough time for a relationship is what I wrote in that stupid fucking bio. Yet here I am guiding Sofia's hand over a map and wishing that I'd never wrote that. What else would I have wrote though? It wasn't a lie. I don't have time. Technically I don't have time to be standing here right now. I should be in my office, planning my next move.

I should be busy making more deals and investing in anything I see that's worth a few million. Except that doesn't excite me anymore. This women does. All I want is to devote every second to her, no matter how pathetic that makes me look. I'm going soft but for some reason I don't hate it.

Live in the moment. That's what my Dad always said. It was one of the few nicer things that came out of his mouth. I've always lived by that. Right now is no different and boy am I in the moment.

Her hair smells like some kind of fruity concoction from her shampoo. Her body is pressed against mine  and she's so relaxed. She's so comfortable being here with me. My left hand is pressed over her eyes gently to make sure she doesn't peek.

"Am I on anywhere good yet?" She asks and I shake my head, nuzzling into her neck. Yeah I nuzzle now and snuggle. Those words and actions weren't part of my vocabulary or things I enjoyed a month ago.

"If I told you then it would defeat the purpose of the plan" I tell her just before she yells.


It almost gives me a fright because of the abruptness but I'm quick to recover. My eyes latch onto where our fingers are pointed. Just inside the border line of Hawaii. Wow. She did good.

"Is it bad?" She mumbles, sounding worried. "Do I have to get a new swim suit? I'm not sure how far into the ocean I'll make it. Swimming isn't my strong suit"

Taking my hand away from her face, I place it back on her waist and squeeze signalling for her to open her eyes. I hope she's happy with the destination because my mind is already filling with images of her in a bikini on a white sandy private beach. Sex in the sea, cocktails, her laughing-


She jumps around to face me and smiles with so much joy that it makes me speechless. Then it falls away and she shakes her head.

"Patrick you can't take me to Hawaii. That's too much. It's too expensive, I mean I know you can afford it but that's not the point. I just can't accept-"

"Darling, I'm your Sugar Daddy. It's what I do remember?" And a Sugar Daddy I will always be...

"I know you're my Sugar Daddy but we haven't exactly been following the traditional rules for that term have we? You don't hand me money and say "go get yourself something nice" and I'm so very glad about that. You don't show up at my apartment with a brand new car and I'm also very happy about that"

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