The Hunt (Part 2)

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"No my parents only taught me how to use my claws, they said sweet alphas don't get into as many fights as regular alphas do." Hoseok said hurrying to keep up with Jimin's pace.

"Oh... At least you'll be able to defend yourself," Jimin said.

Hoseok was constantly looking over his shoulders, something about this part of the woods didn't sit well with him. It felt like they were being watched and Hoseok didn't like that feeling, it made his skin crawl.

He was about to ask Jimin if he had a feeling they were being watched when his eyes caught a glimpse of a shadow going from one tree to another.

"D-did you see that?" Hoseok asked with a shaky voice.

"See what?" Jimin questioned coming to a halt.

Hoseok lifted a finger and pointed at the direction the shadow went in.

"Are you sure it wasn't a deer or something like that?" Jimin asked still looking at Hoseok.

"Yes I'm sure it was not a deer, deers are not that fast" Hoseok squeaked looking at Jimin, he noticed two red glowing orbs looking in there direction. Hoseok froze all he could do was stare as his body started to tremble.

Jimin followed Hoseok's gaze catching sight of the orbs. He took a step back, "Who are you? Come out!" Jimin yelled trying to hold his ground.

The figure chuckled, "I mean if you insist Jimin." The person said stepping out into the open. The alpha was a tall male. He had long shaggy golden blonde hair, scars that littered his face, and a chiseled jawline. (Just imagine his face).

"How do you know my name?" Jimin asked cautiously.

The man smirked "I have my ways" he said tauntingly. "Also a little omega told me."

It didn't take Jimin long to realize that the man was talking about Yoongi. "Where is he!" Jimin yelled pushing the man making him almost lose his balance, his eyes turning a fiery red.

"Where is who?" The man asked trying to seem all innocent.

"Stop playing games, where the hell is Yoongi" Jimin yelled fiercely.

"Hmm..." The man hummed, "you must've been his mate...." He trailed off.

"Must have?" Jimin asked eyes following the man as he circled around him.

"Yeah, that kid really knows how to ride. Let's just hope Yoongi's on birth control." The guy grinned.

"You mated my mate" Jimin growled.

"Technically I just unmated you guys. Then we took some pictures." He said pulling a stack of photos that had Yoongi doing different poses. He then proceeded to throw the picture into the air, all three of them watching as the small squares filtered to the ground dramatically.

"So you unmated me and Yoongi just to take pictures of him?" Jimin asked crouching over the pictures.

"No, mated omegas make less money." The man said calmly.

"You sold him?" Jimin shouted.

"What did you think I was going to do keep him? Why would I want that ugly ass omega?" The man asked cocking an eyebrow.

Jimin was pushed over the edge with that statement, he tackled the man "What did you say about my mate." Jimin snarled showing his teeth.

With one swift kick, the man managed to get Jimin off of him. "Let's make a deal Jimin." The man said standing up before transforming into his wolf form.

The man's wolf form wasn't that much different from his human form, he still had shaggy long hair but instead of it being blonde it was a dark grey, the scars on his face were less noticeable but half his tail and left ear was missing.

"We can fight wolf vs wolf. You win I'll tell you where your precious mate is, but if I win I get to keep him." He grimaced.

"Jimin wait don't you think we should call Jin, what if this guy kills you?" Hoseok said.

Jimin understood where Hoseok was coming from they knew nothing about this guy, but then again he knew where Jimin's baby was and that's all that mattered.

"It's going to be alright Hoseok" Jimin reassured before transforming into his wolf form.

"A winter wolf" Hoseok gasped.

The man grinned wickedly, "A winter wolf, I thought your kind went extinct years ago. I wonder how much somebody would pay for that fur of yours." He said as they started circling each other.

"You're not getting my fur, and you are not keeping my mate" Jimin barked jumping out at him.


Hey guys, I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story at this point...
Oh well
I hope you guys were able to figure out that the guy was Daeseok, although Hoseok has heard his name he has never actually seen Daeseok so he wouldn't know what he looked like.

That's all for today
Biscuit out ✌

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