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Jungkook's pov

"Taehyung wait!!" I screamed going out of the room towards Taehyung

"Haven't I told you Jeon that, that's not my name?" asked V with dark eyes looking at me pissed

"I am sorry V, but where are you going? Give me back Taehyung!" I said with tears in my eyes, I was desperate.

"Oh, poor Jeon. I pity you, but Taehyung is asleep right now" V said smirking looking at me 

"NO! You can't do this! GIVE HIM BACK" I screamed balling my fists

"JEON! STOP IT! I am not here because I wanted to, I am here because Taehyung called me" V said with a single tear in his eye.

"What? He said he was okay... he was happy... why would he need you?: I asked looking at his eyes confused and slightly hurt

"Jeon, he is happy, but he is hurting so much right now, we need to do something NOW! They could be killing them right now!" V said fast and my heat broke. 

"You are right! EVERYYONE MEETING, LUHAN CALL MY SISTER" I screamed through the house.

In no time my sister was there, crying a bit with Jennie by her side, everyone was there, but we couldn't contact Chanyeol.

"RM! Any Chanyeol info?" I asked at him, he responded immediately  "Sir, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are dead, they were killed by their own son also Tzuyu" answered RM and I gritted my teeth. That name resonated through my ears; IT WAS HER! SHE DID ALL OF THIS. WHAT A BITCH.

"Hoseok contact Tzuyu, VIDEOCALL" I told him while going to sit on my chair, V on my lap.

"Will this work Jeon?" he asked staring into my eyes. "It will my love, It will" I repeated convincing myself too in the process.

"Yoongi, I want you to track the call as soon as they answer" I pointed at him and he nodded "Yes sir" said Yoongi, still a bit sad.

"Okay, calling them sir" said Hoseok taking my computer. I sat there, sweating, praying to every god that exists that they answer.

"Hello" said a voice, a voice I knew too well. It was Joy.

"Joy?" I asked and she chuckled darkly.

"Glad you know who you are talking to" she said annoyed.

"Stop it Joy, where is my baby?" I asked angry and she giggled

"HAHAHAHAHA Jungkook... your babies will be fine? Why would you care about two disgusting babies?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"He is my son! Why wouldn't I care?" I say now angry at her

"Uuuuu it looks like Jungkookie has gone soft for his family, and his kids" Joy said laughing

"Joy? Why do you keep saying there is two babies? "I asked to making her struggle, I smirk.

"What do you mean? We got your twins! You don't even know how many kids you have HAHAHAHA" Joy laughed loudly

"Emmm, no. My husband gave birth to three beautiful babies, not two, we are missing one" I said making her stop laughing, I could feel how her face turned pale.

"Wha-what?? Tzuyu??" she asked dumbfounded.

The moment I heard that name, Yoongi signalled me, meaning he had found the location and the possible locations where they could run to.

"It's alright Joy, I'll see you in a bit. Call your morgue by the way HAHAHA" I chuckled darkly 

"Yoongi, you have them?" I asked and he nodded rapidly  "Yes Jungkook, here you go" he handed me a paper.

Street- xxx-xxxx-xxx
Place- xxxxxx
Number-  xxx-xxxx-xxx

"Perfect, and where they can run off to?" I asked raising my eyebrows, Yoongi shakes his head "Nowhere, that is a deceased flower camp" Yoongi said "If they run, they will have to hide in a bush haha" Yoongi said laughing at his own joke.

"Okay. Time to do the plan" I said looking at everyone

"Okay so, the flower camp has an old house in the middle. Jisoo, Jennie I want you guys to be at the back, protecting us while we get in" RM said looking at my sister for approval, she nodded. "Count with it Namjoon" Jennie said smiling. Jisoo nodded.

"In the front of the house we will have Jackson and Yugyeom" Namjoon said looking at them. "Sure sis" said Yugyeom winking at Namjoon.

"Now, the sides Jimin on the left and Jin on the right" he said motioning to look at the table."We will do it" said Jin confidentially.

"The ones going in the house will be; Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Lisa, Yoongi and me we will attack" said RM looking at all of us "sound good Jungkook?" he asked me and I nodded "Yes Namjoon, it's perfect" I said "Hoseok the arsenal please" I said and Hoseok's eyes lit up.

"Yes sir." He said and took out all our weapons.

"Jisoo, Jennie you guys will be at the back, which means you have to have strong weapons, I will give you guys two Black eagles with 10 bullet boxes" said Hoseok giving them the gun that was personalised for them, pink.

"Jackson and Yugyeom, you will be in the front you need an incredible weapon, you'll get a machine gun and two Armlite AR-50, the three of them with 20 bullet boxes" Hoseok said handing them the rifles, because the machine gun will be transported  the truck.

"Jimin, I will give you the Barret M82. Use it wisely, it's very strong" Hoseok said giving him the weapon.

"Jin you will be using the Barret M98B, use it normally and it work incredibly" said Hoseok handing him the giantic gun.

"Now for the ones going inside the house, you guys will have three pistols, and three knives also some bombs and toxic spray" Hoseok said handing us everything.

"V, your pistols are ink with diamonds as you ordered" said Hoseok to V

"Thank u cutie" answered V looking at his new gun smiling.

"All of you are going to be using full body bullet proof suits" said Hoseok handing us the suits

"That's it" he said a bit tired from the rant.

"Okay...Luhan! Charge the trucks, we will have some fun" I said looking at all my team with a smirk, they seem happy, they love going on missions, but we have been so busy with our children lately, we haven't gone on missions in forever.

"It's show time baby" I said grabbing Taehyung by the waist and kissing him passionately

"Let's go take our baby Jungkookie" said now Taehyung 

"Tae-Taehyung?" I asked hope in my eyes.

"Yes Jungkookie, I am back" he answered and kissed me, I kissed back.

Be careful, we will go to you and I hope you prepared your coffins, because we are mad and ready for your blood to come out...

Hey guys!!!
Okay seriously I am sorry for not updating, I was a bit busy
Anyways hope you liked it
Madly in Love is coming to an end ;(
Love lots

(Edit: I remember going into google to look up guns for this chap and just like imagine the FBI agent spying on me LMAOOOO) 

Madly in love (Taekook)- EditedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora