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Jin's pov

I was shook to see the Jeon Jungkook protecting baby Tae and I was more shook when he told him that he will always protect him.

I was about to sit down when I saw my current crush sitting down in OUR TABLE, without him noticing it I took a seat beside him.

He was eating with his perfect face BESIDE ME and I was drooling all over that tasty snacc
And of course I am not talking about the food.

He then looked up at me

"Hey" he said with a perfect smile that showed his beautiful dimples

OMG uh uh uh uh emm "Hello" I said, my ears turning pink

"How are you?" he asks munching on his food, smile never leaving his face

"Emm good and you?" I answer, rushed and panicked. 

"You know this high school is pretty cool and interesting it has a lot of classes, I didn't knew about and it has beautiful people" he says looking up at me

"Really? You think that?" In my whole life I had never heard anyone talk about this hellhole like that

"Yeah one of those beautiful people is talking right now with me y'know" he says, smirk on.

"W-w-what?" I almost choke on my pineapple juice, I must've heard wrong

"Hahahaha cute" he laughs and winks at me

"Hey StOb It" I say, all my face red

"Ok, ok but it's true though" he laughs and pinches my cheek

"OMG Namjooon!!!!" I scream red and annoyed by the handsome man

Hoseok pov

OMG Jungkook is turning soft for little Taehyung, I have never seen him as soft as this and is making me sooo happy.

I look over at Yoongi who was sleeping on my shoulder and I look at my other side to see a big eyed guy with light blonde hair looking up at me.

"Hey" I said, he blushed and looked away

"Hey" he answered on a little voice looking around

"What's your name?" I ask, taking interest on the cute boy

"Jimin" he answers and smiles a little, a beautiful smile.

"Ohh really cute name" I compliment and enjoy watching his flustered state.

"Thanks... so how is this high school treating you?" he asks interested

"Really good Yoongs and I are really happy to be here" I say and look over at the sleeping kitten beside me

"Yoongs?" he asks confused

"Oh hahahaha yes, Yoongs is Yoongi, my baby or boyfriend" I explain and see how his smile drops a little

"Oh, must be cool having someone" he says and looks the other way

"Yes, we've been together for 4 years now" I say with a smile on my face 

"OMG cute!!!!" he squeaks

"Indeed" I answer and smile that Jimin returned before giving his attention to his food

Then when I looked over at Yoongi he whispered in my ear something I was waiting for him to say.

"I want him Hobi and I know you too"he said, raspy voice and smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes my little angel, we will get him"I answer as I look how Jimin eats his food peacefully.

Yoongi pov

"Yes my little angel we will get him" 

That's all I needed to hear from Hobi to be more than happy. He and I have been searching for another person for our relationship and I think we finally have one.

I look over Jungkook and Taehyung, Jungkook is smirking and Taehyung is blushing madly.

They will be together in... I suppose a week.
And I am genuinely happy for them

Jimin pov

I have already talk to Jhope or Hobi and the moment I saw that smile my heart melted, sadly he made it clear that he was taken by Yoongi which has a resting and amazing bitch face.

Although the moment I saw him he gave me a warm gummy smile that could melt anyone's heart.

TaeTae seems to be happy with Jeon and Jin seems to be happy with Kim but I can't help to think that there is something weird about them

Like they are hiding something

Namjoon's pov

I've been talking to Jin a lot now and I like him a lot, I could say I like him too much for just talking to him a little time but he is amazing and totally gets me.

His blushing is cute and he is just a really handsome man he is like a greek god, and of course I saw his perfect round ass when he was sitting down beside me.

I couldn't help to notice how everyone was having fun around him and how even Jungkook was smiling fondly at Taehyung.

This was perfect

Jungkook's pov

He is perfect and is getting closer to be completely mine.

Also all my hyungs are really happy l. I haven't seen them smile like that since we killed that politicians family with machine guns.

Taehyung's pov

This is amazing everyone is having fun and we are all cool with each other. Jin is flirting Jimin is chatting and I am flirting and chatting with Jungkookie.

He is so amazing and cute. He has a cute bunny smile and I feel protected and safe around him.

I am hearing my little faint voice saying something but I am a little caught up in the story Jungkook is telling so I don't pay attention to it.

V's pov

He is amazing. This idiot finally found someone interesting in his life and if he lets him go I am going to get him back all the times.

I don't care

He will be mine

And I will be his

After all we are the same person aren't we?

OMG my ships are sailing biatchessss
Love all of you!! 

(Edit: Why tf did I include so many pov's here???)

~ A

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