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Taehyung's pov

After that incident I had to tell Jimin and Jin hyung about everything and OF COURSE! Jin hyung was horrified.

"Joonie I am such a bad mother, I can't take good care of the twins, SOMENE ALMOST TOOK OUR BABY" Jin hyung screamed at Namjoon hyung that was in the middle of a reunion with Yoongi hyung and Kookie

"That's not true baby, you do everything for our little ones" Joonie hyung said in a reassuring smile while looking over at the sleeping twins.

"Yes, Jin hyung, in fact we were doing our investigations and we discovered that that "trope" that came wasn't send by Joy or Chanyeol, they work by themselves, and Taehyung killed it's leader. "Of course, my baby is amazing" he said smiling.

"So, they will not be a cause of danger any soon" Kookie said confidently looking at Jin

I smiled looking at my 5-month stomach. Which remind me that today we have our first appointment to look at the baby. Jungkook the locked eyes with me.

"Baby!! Come here" he said opening his arms

"Jungkookie today we have our first appointment" I said as I slid into his arms

"Oh that's true!! Come on everyone let's go to see my baby" he said smiling widely

All of them cheered while screaming "LET'S GO"

We were all settled in the car. The Kims were in their own car. The Yoonminseok trio too. Finally, me an Kookie. 

I can't wait to see if we have two or one baby and of course I can't wait to see the genders of them. 

"I am sorry that I couldn't fuck you for your birthday baby" Jungkook said with a sigh

"It's okay Jungkookie" It was for our babies "Well now you are 19, soooo cute" he said spreading my cheeks.

Yes and the twins are 8 monts old, I can't believe how much time we've been together!! I said amazed

So many long time without seeing a teacher or a board, my childhood home and the town. It feels so weird to even remember those times. As I think I didn't even saw that we were already in the doctor.

"We are here baby" Jungkook said with a smile

"OH, OKAY then let's go" I said slightly panicked 

We entered the building and there was a girl with a big smile and a nametag.

"Hello ummm Susan? We are here for the check-up of my husband; his name is Jeon Taehyung?" Jungkook said with a smile

"Sure. Please wait in the waiting room, the doctor has another patient first, so we are sorry you'll have to wait a bit. Is that oaky?" Susan asked 

"It's perfectly fine Susy" I said smiling

"Okay then" she said, and we went to the waiting room.

When we entered, we saw two boys, both were tall as heck even when they were sitting down.

They look like foreigners because they were speaking english but with a funny accent one of them, the one that didn't have a belly had black hair and blue eyes, also an intimidating face.

The other one had a baby-like face and brown dark hair he looked terrified while looking down to his big stomach. Then they both looked at all of us in the eyes.

As I seated down the other guy with the dark brown hair came to me, I guess to ask some questions

"Emmm excuse me?" he said. Geez he is awkward.

Madly in love (Taekook)- EditedWhere stories live. Discover now