Justice of Virginia Potts (pt3)

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Pepper got home and inelegantly let herself fall on the couch. She still couldn't shake the bad feeling that was starting to mess with her mind. She was dead worried about Tony. Especially if the said man just disappeared with a God damn wizard. She groaned loudly before asking FRIDAY to switch on the television. She glanced at the wall clock and it showed 1127.

She brought the focus back on the television. That was when she realized it was the news and she frowned. "Since when there is news at 11:27 in the morning?", she said to herself but FRIDAY answered her anyway. "It appears that there is an alien attack in New York and Boss is currently fighting them."

She quickly sat up on the couch, her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour. She didn't know why but her whole body had started to sweat as she watched her fiance was being thrown away in the air like a rag doll and there was a weird-looking spaceship hovered in the air. "They literally just left like half an hour ago! And now they're already in trouble?! You got to be kidding me!", she exclaimed.

She just intensely glared at the screen until Iron Man and the aliens moved out of the frame. They were moving so fast that the cameraman had lost their positions. She waited for about a solid minute before cursing under her breath when they didn't come back into the frame.

Without wasting any time, she rushed into her room and grabbed her phone on the nightstand. She dialed Tony's numbers and waited. But it went into the voice mail. She tried again. And again. And again. Her breath was getting heavier after each voice mail.

After like the sixth trial, he finally picked up. "Tony? Oh God, are you alright? What's going on?", she asked, her voice was heavily laced with worry.

"I'm fine. But err... I just think that maybe you don't have to wait for me for our dinner tonight", he said, trying to sound nonchalant but she could hear it. The panic behind his voice.

"Why?", she sat on her bed, pulling her eyebrows together into a scowl.

"Just 'cause I'll... probably not make it back for a while", she could feel her heart literally stop for about three seconds. She felt the dreading sensation seeped into her bones and she shivered.

"Tell me you're not on that ship", she closed her eyes and tried her best to control her breathing. She didn't know why but she felt a little bit lightheaded under all this stress.

"Yeah, about that, Miss Potts", she gripped her phone hard.

"God, no. Please tell me you're not on that ship.", she asked again but it sounded more like pleading at this point.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.", he replied back. His voice was tensed and a little bit worried too.

"Come back here, Tony. I swear to God...."


"Come back here right now! Come back!", she was seconds away from screaming but turned out, she didn't even have that chance when she heard FRIDAY from the Iron Man suit spoke up.

"Boss, we're losing her. I...ve to... cut...", and just like that, the call was ended, leaving her broken and in despair.


After she calmed down from her mental breakdown, she quickly pulled herself back together and went back to the living room. She sat on the couch in silence, hugging her legs close to her chest and tried to think about what to do about the whole situation.

Her thought was interrupted when she heard the elevator slid open. For a moment, she thought it was Tony. Maybe he had finally decided to actually listen to her and come home. But when she turned around, she saw a very frantic looking Happy Hogan. His eyes wide and she could feel the panic and terror radiated off his skins from the way his whole body was trembling.

"Pepper! Oh God! Thank God, you're okay", he all but ran to the couch next to her. "Happy are you okay? What's wrong?", she asked, putting a hand on his arm to calm him down. He didn't answer her but he snatched the remote from the table and switched it on.

"God! Pepper, look!", and she did. She watched as people, men, women, and children were literally collapsing into dust. She gripped Happy's bicep as she saw a girl being disintegrated from her father's arms into the thin air. Her whole body was shaking and her spine shivered as she heard them screaming, terror was filling the atmosphere.

"Oh no, Happy. W-what's going on? Oh shit, Happy! Tony! H-He's in space a-and he- I-", she stumbled upon her own words, her mind was buzzing. Tears were streaming hard on the cheeks.

"-reathe, Pepper! Can you hear me? You need to breathe. I don't know what happened, okay? I was driving and suddenly...", she tuned him out as she closed her eyes and cried. How was this even possible? Today was supposed to be great. They were supposed to have a very nice dinner tonight for their small family and—. She whipped her head so fast that she managed to make Happy jumped. He looked at her, worried, concerned and scared.

"Happy, call May", she said through her trembling voice.

"W-what? B-but—"

"Happy! Call her!", she said again, louder. She waited and prayed. She prayed like she had never prayed before. Hoping that she would pick up but she didn't.

"Call Peter", please, no. Not Peter.

"Pep I-"

"Call him!"

"I can't, Pepper!"

She just looked at him, and she could see that he was just as scared as she was and she quickly wiped her tears away. "Why? What do you mean you can't?"

"Because Ned called and he told me that Peter went with Tony".


Author's Note.

This is it. The part 3 of Justice of Virginia Potts. I hope you like it. Please feel free to leave a vote or comments.

Part 4 is coming soon.

Your Author,

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