Late to School?

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The avengers were having breakfast when Tony suddenly took out an Iron Man lunch box out of nowhere and started to fill it with food.

Before any of them could say anything, there was a crashing sound coming from the hallway and suddenly there was a boy came barging into the kitchen.


Tony just gave him a disapproval look.

" Next time, wake up when I tell you to wake up, Peter, and you won't be late and will actually have time for breakfast".

The boy just stuffed his lunch box in his bag and started to make a run towards the elevator.
"HOMEWORK!",Tony shouted and the boy came back to the lounge room which was connected to the kitchen and cramped his homework in his bag before giving Tony a hug and a smooch on his cheek and out he went.

"YOU HAVE A SON!", Clint began as he looked at the closed elevator.

"He's my intern, not my son", he said back without looking at them.

"Yeah, cuz all interns give their boss a kiss on the cheek before going to school and all bosses apparently need to make their interns lunch boxes", Natasha fired back, rolling her eyes.

She looked at the other heroes and they just too stunned to even speak.

"I think you broke them, Stark", she smirked.

"Well, he's still my intern though", he said back as he headed out of the room with a soft smile on his face.


"DONT SHOUT IN MY EARS, CLINT!", she screamed back, smacking his forehead hard with the back of her hand.

God, he could be really handful when he wanted to.

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