Chapter 1-Courage and Strength

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Chapter Song - when the party's over by Billie Eilish
3:15 PM
Marinette POV

"Marinette, wait! Please!" Adrien called out to her, but she just kept walking.

She couldn't look back at his face, couldn't talk to him. Not after...whatever you wanted to call that.

She was stupid to think that she could have won him over, stupid to think that he could ever like a girl like her in the way she loved him.

She pushed the front door to her parents' bakery open, head downcast.

Her mother started to greet her, but stopped short when she saw her daughter's face. "Marinette?" She started, "Marinette, honey, are you okay?"

Marinette mustered up as much courage as she could and plastered on an almost-convinced smile. "I'm alright, just a lot of schoolwork."

She didn't wait for either of her parents' to respond, and walked right past their worried glances.

Marinette made it up the stairs and into her room with no other difficulties. She shut the trap door, locking it and shoving a chest full of different sewing fabrics on top of it. It'll keep them out.

She glanced over at her mirror, and grimaced. She'd dressed nicely for today, even applying a bit of light makeup to make her eyes pop. It was all ruined now. Eyeliner and mascara running down her face, her plain black t-shirt once tucked into the dark red thigh-length skirt now wrinkled and untucked too far in some places. Her skirt was now dark brown with mud, as were her black flats. She hadn't realized just how humiliating and mortifying the whole situation had actually been.

She final bell had just rang, dismissing everyone from school. Marinette made her was down the front steps, the girls behind her. She was working up the courage to confess, after a week of pep talks from the others.

Adrien was at the bottom of the steps with Nino. Chloe hung to the poor guys arm, as per usual. The day was surprisingly dark and glum for October, rain threatening to fall with each passing second.

She Alya pushed her forward, and Marinette stumbled into Nino. "Ah, sorry!" She managed, dusting herself off and taking a step back. Nino was about to respond, when she quickly added, "Adrien, um, can I talk to you? Alone?"

Nino immediately got the hint, realizing just what was happening. Alya had told him that Marinette was going to confess sometime this week, but he didn't know exactly when.

Adrien barely pushed Chloe off, "Sure, what's up?" The two walked down to the grassy area right in front of the school. Nobody was there yet.

They made small talk for a minute or so, until Marinette had had enough. It was not or never. Without thinking, she blurted out all her feelings. How she really felt about him, how she felt like she was always wearing this kind of mask around others, how she'd been terrified of telling him, etc etc.

Before Adrien could process the information, Lila walked around the steps, laughing. She acted innocent, as if she was just walking by. She stopped next to Marinette, whispering, "Wow, Marinette. You really think somebody like you could ever get with Adrien?" She "accidentally" knocked into her, pushing her into the mud and ruining her outfit. The black umbrella she'd gotten from Adrien flew far behind her. Lila feigned apologies, and helped Marinette up. "Pathetic."

And so, Marinette walked away in the rain, leaving behind the umbrella. She didn't have the strength to pick it back up.

Back in the present, she mussed with her hair, letting it out of the pigtails. They were giving her a headache. Tikki flew out of the small bag, and made herself comfortable on Marinette's bed. She knew the poor girl needed a good cuddle-cry session.

Marinette tugged her shirt and skirt off, changing into a much more comfortable black hoodie - which was a few sizes too big - and maroon sleep shorts. She'd always felt more comfortable wearing black and such, but everyone always said she looked so much better in pink and girlier clothes. So, she wore them.

Just another stupid mask I wear to hide myself, she thought, grimacing. She'd wanted to wear clothes she was more comfortable in for a while now, even talking to the girls about it. They said to do whatever she was comfortable with, but she knew she couldn't. Adrien probably preferred those girly pink clothes, so she opted to stick with those.

Now, though, she had nobody to dress up for. Nobody to impress.

She connected her phone to her Bluetooth speaker, and switched it to her most-played playlist. when the party's over by Billie Eilish played first, and Marinette brought a make-up wipe to her face. One swipe, and she's fixed the mess. If only all messes could be fixed that easily.

Marinette threw the wipe into the trash, and huddled under the covers of her bed. This playlist was filled with songs that she truly felt in her heart, with every bit of her soul. Most of her friends were surprised when they'd heard this playlist of hers. They didn't think she was that type of girl. Nobody really did.

Not even Alya really got it, but she tried. Just like the others. It was almost four months ago that she'd slowly started to show her true self to her friends, and she'd regretted it. They didn't really understand.

Except for Rose and Juleka. They didn't seem to mind the change at all. Marinette had slowly grown closer with those two these past months, and she trusts them with every fiber of her being. She could be herself with them, and they didn't react much. Just accepted it. Marinette appreciated that on a level they could never understand.

She and Luka had about the same relationship they had for a while, and she spent a lot of time at the Liberty because of Rose and Juleka.

Rain tapping on the skylight above her brought her to the end of her downward mental spiral, and she squeezed the pillow harder. The song was coming toward the end.

And nothing is better sometimes
Once we've both said our goodbyes

Finally, in the dark cold of her lonely little room, she let herself cry.

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