Kisame x reader/ Bored

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Requested by jackiea

Hope you will like it. 😁


(Y/n)'s POV

I was bored.

Crouching on the rock and looking at the water as it rushed by. I was really bored. Normally I would be somewhere in the house bothering the other Akatsuki members, but unfortunately most of them were missing on missions or were out for shopping. So I was left with no one to play with, which led me to the nearby lake as a way to pass my time. Yet, I ended up being more bored than before.

Suddenly something in the water caught my eye. I couldn't see what exactly it was and I didn't have time to analyze it, because it came out the water scarring me a little. However, I didn't move nor scream. I just stayed still staring at the man in front of me.

-"I finally scared you!" Kisame said excited for his big achievement.

I smiled at that liking the fact that someone had something to do and wasn't as bored as I am. Seems like I will pass my time with him.

-"Were you trying to scare me, Kisame?" I asked him smirking.
-"Cause you're not scary at all."

-"That's a cheeky statement (Y/n)." he said pinching my cheeks.

-"I don't think so." I told him with a giggle as I pushed his hands away.
-"Where's Itachi? Your usually are with him."

He didn't answer immediately since he first got out the water and sat beside me. His only clothes were only a pair of pack pants which means that he was training or swimming around the lake to pass his time.

-"He is busy. Why? Do you want me to call him?" he asked me in a teasing tone, but somehow I got the feeling that he didn't really want to tease me.

It was normal for me at this point. Whenever I mentioned Itachi's name around him he always get gloomy and sad for a little. He had low self-esteem, which was a surprise for me. He is very handsome too, so why worry and be jealous of Itachi?

-"Not really. I just want to make sure that he won't come out of nowhere." I answered as I stood up.

I didn't receive an answer from him. I just felt his eyes on me as I walked a few steps away from him. I wasn't as bored as I was before, but still I wanted to do something fun, something with Kisame.



-"I'm bored. Let's do something fun."

-"Like what?" he asked me curious.

Truth to be told I haven't thought about it. I want to do something fun, but what can we do here? What can we do near the lake, away from the big city and its lights? For a moment a naughty thought passed through my mind making me blush a lot and turn away to hide my face. I shouldn't have made such thoughts. Not know that he is around me.

-"Are you ok (Y/n)?" he asked me worried as I heard him stand up.

-"Yeah. I am just thinking." I answered quickly.

-"Why is your face red?" he asked me again as he turned me around to face him.

-"I don't know. Maybe because of all this thinking." I told him with an awkward laugh.

-"What did you think kitty?" he asked me smirking pulling me closer to him.

-"Nothing!" I shout as I pushed him away and started running away from him.

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