Trouble brewing

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A/N: I'm apologizing now to any Olena fans. 😬 😬 😬 😬

Lynne and Scarlett quickly made their way to Lynne's home to fetch the sculptures that Chance and Kalene had purchased. Scarlett helped her bestie wrap up and package each package for international shipping to keep it intact. The last either wanted was for their sculptures to get broken in transit! They dropped the sculptures off at the hotel and told the clerk who they were for. Scarlett wanted to make sure that they would get to their owners but the clerk assured them that the packages would.

The two women lived in an apartment complex that catered specifically to "alternately abled people". For wheelchair-bound people, there were lifts as needed, the bathrooms were designed so they could bath themselves without assistance, the kitchens had been modified so they could cook and clean with no assistance. For people who couldn't clean on their own, the apartment complex had their own maid service that came once a day. There was even meals-on-wheels type of service for folks who couldn't or didn't want to cook for themselves.

There were no stairs. If you didn't want to take the elevator, you could take the winding ramp from floor to floor. The aim of the complex was to help the alternately abled people live as independently as possible. Lynne and Scarlett lived right across the hall from one another. Each lived in a two-bedroom apartment and had turned their second bedroom into their work space. Lynne's was a tad messier than Scarlett's!


"I'm so sad to be leaving New Zealand!" Rob tugged on his beard.

"It has been really fruitful, that's for sure." Luke smiled, "There's apparently been several venues across the country asking about you. We may be coming back next year. I'll have to see about the schedule."

"Sweet!" Austin exclaimed, "I can take a day and go fishing!"

"Only you, Austin." Kalene giggled.

"We will be able to get these sculptures out of the country and back home, right?" Chance looked over at the tour mom.

"Yes. I've already checked, rechecked, and tripled checked the paperwork." She replied.

"This is gonna be a long flight guys, try and get some sleep if you can." Luke handed out everyone's tickets.

Nate: We're at the airport now waiting on our flight, hopefully I'll get to see that beautiful face soon 😘 😘 😘

Genesis: Have a good flight! The doc says I'm doing much better and might get to go home tomorrow which I'm really happy about that. I hope to get to see you soon too 😍 😍 😍

"How's Gen doing?" Adam suddenly inquired.

Nate: That's great news! I've been so worried about you lately 😭 😭 😭

"Still in the hospital because they want to keep her on oxygen and want to make sure she's breathing deeply. Dena said they may let her go home tomorrow though if things are looking better with her lungs." Kalene explained.

Genesis: no need to be worried about me! I am breathing better. It doesn't feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest when I try to breath anymore. Grandma says she's not hearing the wheezing like she was, either.

"That's good to hear. I bet she's more than ready to go home!" Austin stated making everyone laugh.

"Definitely. I bet it's been rough on Dena too. She stays up there all day with her until visiting hours are over. Then she goes home." Kalene sighed.

Nate: good, that means you're healing. Now we just have to get those ribs healed up proper and you can get back on the road!

"That's mom for ya!" Tim chuckled as he rested his hand on his wife's knee.

"Yeah but I hate that she stays all day and then..." Kalene started.

"Sweetie, that's just how my momma is. She loves Gen as much as we do and is happy to be there with her. Especially since we can't physically be there with her." Tim kissed her temple.

Nate: uh oh, our flight is about to be called! You have a good night, baby! I'll send a text when we land, ok?

Genesis: ok, have a safe and good flight, sweetie. 😍😘😍😘😍😘

Kalene had thoroughly enjoyed her time in New Zealand. Before they boarded their plane, she looked over and noticed a party of several people with signs wishing them safe travels, a safe trip home, and hoping they'd come back really soon. She waved at the group, Austin blew some kisses making several of them go crazy, and Chance waved before handing their tickets over to board the plane. The purple hair was a give-a-way to one of the people who'd come out to see them off.

Georgia was meeting the tour again which made Kalene very happy. She loved the boys dearly but it was nice to have another woman to be able to vent and talk to. Perhaps they could have a little girls' day out or something. 'I bet it would be really fun with Scarlett!' Kalene chuckled to herself as she closed her eyes. The tour mom didn't realize just how tired she really was until she slept almost the entire flight to their first destination.

"Baby? Kalene, we're almost ready to land." Tim gently shook his wife.

"Hmm?" She sleepily asked making him smile as he moved hair out of her face.

"We're almost ready to land. You need to wake up." He said again.

"Mmmkay." She kept her head leaning against his shoulder making him chuckle.

She was slowly waking up as they were about twenty minutes from making their descent into Washington. The bus was already there waiting on them as was Georgia. Austin was an antsy mess dying to see his wife again. Tim laced his fingers with Kalene's as they finally made the descent in Washington.


She was pacing her apartment, mind racing. Pictures had been posted online but she couldn't believe he'd actually done it. All his online information had been updated. How many times had he told her she was his whole world? That he would never love anyone but her? Yet here he was married. MARRIED! It infuriated her to no end. 'What's so special about her that he'd marry her instead of me? I'm a model after all!' she huffed as she continued to pace around her living room.

Olena kept a close watch on Austin's social media sites. He posted a lot. She was surprised to learn he'd finally bought a house. In Nashville! She never thought he'd leave Georgia. His precious Georgia. She rolled her eyes. If she wasn't so well known, especially by the band, she would follow Austin's wife on her social media sites as well. She knew that if she did, his wife would ask him who she was and she really didn't want him finding out she was following her.

Her thoughts turned more and more towards Austin and his wife. Her anger was beginning to boil to the surface. 'He was supposed to fall apart, damnit! Fall apart and come crawling to me begging me to take him back. Not thrive on his own and find another woman!' she screamed in her head before kicking a chair over. This was not the way things were supposed to go.

"Sometimes fate needs a little push, I guess." She said aloud to no one in the room.

Her cat didn't even open his eyes, already used to her pacing, as she huffed and mumbled under her breath. 'That bitch is living the life I should have had with the man I belong with!' she thought, throwing and pushing things off her coffee table.

A/N: Yes, I'm actually leaving it there! *rubs hands together evilly* What do you think's gonna happen? Please review and vote below.

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