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Tim had sneakily taken Kalene's phone while she was busy working one day. He put Genesis' number into his phone then put his girlfriend's phone back. The next night they had off, everyone made plans to go grab dinner then go their separate ways for whatever activity they wanted to do. Adam, Chance, and Kalene were going to check out some movie about "World of Warcraft". He'd been invited but he politely declined stating he was gonna stay at the hotel and work on some drawings.

Rob and Austin were heading to a local bowling alley. Chris (their sound man), Cole, Abe, and Nate were heading off to a bar. Kalene asked him once again if he'd like to go out but he just kissed her forehead and told her to have a good time. She leaned up to press their lips together before promising to behave herself. He laughed as she walked to the door where Chance and Adam were waiting for her.

Once everyone had left for the night, he ordered himself room service then took his laptop and got settled on the bed. He sent a text to Genesis as he got his laptop booted up.

Tim: Genesis, this is Tim. Would you mind Skyping with me if you're not busy right now? <gives his Skype information>

A few minutes later he received a reply.

Genesis: Sure, Tim! Give me a couple minutes to get my laptop and get to the back.

She finally popped up on his Skype smiling.

"Hey kiddo! Tour life seems to be going well?" Tim asked.

"Hi Tim! Yeah! We're having a blast. They put us with a pretty cool band that's kind of taking us under their wing. They're way older than us but don't really go out drinking and stuff. How's y'all's tour?" Genesis replied.

"It's going great! The crowds are always so energetic and singing back to us. (Tim laughed) I asked you to Skype with me because there's something I want to talk to you about." Tim got serious.

Genesis' worried face made him chuckle.

"You know about me and your mom. I... (Tim sighed) ...after my ex-wife, I never thought I'd feel this way again. Cheesy, I know, but it's true. Your mom came into my life like a tornado and just... (Tim smiled as he sighed again) ..." He trailed.

"Tim, my mom has never laughed or smiled as much as when you're around. She hasn't ever really dated since I came along. You make her happy. That's all I could ever hope for." Genesis replied.

"Gen, I love your mother more than bacon. (Genesis gasped and her eyes widened making him laugh) Yes, I said I love your mom more than bacon. Which is why I asked you to Skype with me. I want your permission to ask her to marry me." Tim explained making the young girl gasp again.

"Why are you asking my permission?" Genesis raised her eyebrow.

"Because you're the only family she's got. It's been you and her for the last seventeen years. I know how close the two of you are and I want to know that you're ok with this." Tim explained making the girl's eyes tear up.

"Oh my God, Tim! Yes, of course you can ask her to marry you! I know she'll say yes." Genesis beamed.

"I'm glad. (Tim laughed) Any ideas on how I should pop the question?" Tim asked.

"On stage. To a song that really represents you two. She'll be embarrassed at first but I know she'll love it. Music is our life and always has been." Genesis began bouncing in her seat, "So, if you're marrying my mom, does that mean..."

"I'll be your step-dad." Tim smiled at her, "I know I could never really be..."

She quickly cut him off, "I've never seen my biological father, Tim. I've never really had a father-figure to speak of. Mom has always been both which is why she gets kind of aggressive when it comes to me. (Genesis began to tear up) You guys are the closest things to father-figures and brothers I've ever had."

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