Reunited Part 2

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A/N: Welcome to Book 2 of the "I've Seen" series! I hope you like where I take the continuing story in this book. Please add it to your library so you never miss an update!

This is a continuation straight from Book 1. If you haven't read it yet, none of these first few chapters will make sense. Now, back to your regularly scheduled update ;)

"You've only been here since yesterday. What's the last thing you remember?" Tim began running his thumb over the back of her hand as he spoke.

"We were in the courtroom. The judge read out his verdict. (she scrunched her face up as she tried to remember) went in our favor. We were hugging." She replied.

"Apparently you were shot in the courtroom. We haven't heard anything about the shooter yet. The doctor removed the bullet and said nothing vital had been hit. You'll need a blood transfusion but I don't know if they did that before moving you from recovery to here or not. You are stuck here for a few days, unfortunately." Tim tried to explain as calmly as he could.

"Where's Gen?" Kalene began to panic slightly.

"She's fine. Mostly. She has a moderate concussion. I don't know how that happened, you'd have to talk to her. Everyone else is fine though. They're all at the hotel. Luke extended our stay for a few days." Tim gave her hand a squeeze, "I texted Mom to keep her in the loop. She surprised us all by showing up here last night. Even brought us dinner which was awesome since none of us had eaten since breakfast and it was like 9pm already."

"I hate that she flew all the way out here just for me." Kalene looked down.

"You're family, baby. She wanted to be here to support you and us. She's always been this way. (He chuckled) Honestly, Gen and I have both needed someone supporting us. Besides the band, I mean." Tim looked down this time.

His phone chirped signaling a new text. With a sigh, making her chuckle, he took it off her over-the-bed table to look at it.

Luke: hey Tim! We're all on our way to the hospital & stopping to grab breakfast first. What would you like?

"Everyone's on their way and are stopping to grab breakfast. Would you like anything? I'm sure the hospital food isn't very good." Tim stated making her laugh then groan.

"Pancakes, eggs fried hard, and sausage please." She retorted.

Tim: order 1: pancakes, eggs fried hard & sausage, order 2: pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese, and a double order of bacon. 2 glasses of oj, please.

Luke: two orders? 😯😯😯

Tim: don't tell anyone she's awake, please.

Luke: sure thing, see ya in a little while!

"They'll be here after breakfast. How are you feeling?" Tim asked as he began rubbing her arm.

The door squeaked open before she could answer him.

"Good morning, Mrs. Mercer! How are we feeling today?" The nurse asked as she began taking vitals.

"Kinda groggy. My chest and side hurt." She replied.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most pain you could imagine, where's your pain level at?" The nurse inquired.

"Hovering around an 8 I guess. Much worse than when I was stabbed." Kalene sighed.

The doctor came in fifteen minutes after the nurse had taken her vitals as he made his rounds. They talked for a bit as he looked over her chart. He wanted to take her down for more testing to make sure nothing had been hit that they didn't catch the previous day. As she was gone, their entourage arrived with breakfast.

I've Seen 2Where stories live. Discover now