A Long Awaited Party

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A/N: StitchianMays this is for you!

Kalene couldn't believe it when she woke up that morning. She laid in bed staring at the ceiling, every birthday her daughter ever had rushing through her mind like a freight train. She did her best with most but she knew they were less than stellar. The last one was much better because they had Home Free, Miss Dena, and Dead Memories in their lives by then. This was a milestone birthday, though. Kalene wanted to make it super special. When she told Genesis what she wanted to do for her, her daughter was overjoyed.

Plans were made, invites sent out, and the teen's excitement built. She was looking forward to this birthday most of all. Not because her mom had done a bad job with any other birthdays. She had good memories spending time with her mother on her birthdays. Eating cake, doing the things she wanted to do, going to movies or parks. Today she turned eighteen. She felt different somehow. Her mother's ideas for her birthday sounded amazing and she was looking forward to it more than all the others.

Thinking about her daughter finally being an adult hit Kalene hard. She slid out from Tim's arm, slid off the bed, and walked into the bathroom. Setting the toilet lid down, she sat down, put her head in her hands, and let the tears flow. Her baby girl was no longer a baby. She had done her best to make birthdays special but they never had the money for much.


When she didn't respond, Tim cautiously opened the door. Seeing the state his fiance was in concerned him. He moved to kneel in front of her and took ahold of her hands.

"Kalene, baby, why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Genesis." She sniffled putting Tim on guard, "She's eighteen today."

"We've got all the plans made for her birthday, sweetie. Everyone's going to be there. What's wrong?" He asked.

"She's...she's eighteen! My baby isn't a baby anymore. She doesn't need me anymore." Kalene broke out into a fresh wave of tears.

"Oh baby...listen to me. You're her mother. She'll always need you. Trust me. I'm in my 30's and I still need my momma. (he chuckled) She may think she doesn't but she does. Trust me." Tim kissed her forehead, "Come on, let's get dressed and go find some breakfast. It's going to be a long day!"

Kalene had taken Genesis out to get her hair done and to go to the spa. It was her birthday present to the now-legal adult. Georgia was organizing that night's festivities. Most of the crew were coming, the entire band and their significant others, all of Dead Memories, Rachel, Luke, and some friends that Genesis and the band had made on their time out on the road. Tim was making sure all the catering was going to be there.

Sami was getting a little photo booth set up with some props for people to use. Everything was coming together as it should while Kalene and Genesis were off together. Tim couldn't believe Genesis was eighteen already. Where had the time gone? They'd only known the ladies a few years, it seemed so short and so long all at the same time, but it was still hard to believe she was turning eighteen.

"You ok, old man?" Rob chuckled as he slapped Tim's back.

"Old man?" Tim raised his eyebrow.

"Your step-daughter is turning eighteen. That doesn't make you feel old?" Rob laughed.

Before Tim could reply, catering people came up needing Tim. He excused himself from Rob making the teddy bear laugh.

"Leave the poor guy alone, Rob." Chance stated.

"The one taking Genesis' age hard is Kalene. She looked like she'd been crying when they came down for breakfast this morning." Adam added in.

"Really?" Rob asked, feeling bad for poking fun at Tim then.

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