Chapt. 1 - the journey (Misa vp)

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We are travelling to a protected area, finally after months of planning we are finally raiding the great clown's, the great prince of crime's, the most feared man in Gotham's actual base!!! Javier (my work friend) insists I'm crazy to be excited to 'meet' him, I don't see why because he's basically a celebrity of a kind, although, I must admit most celebrities wouldn't kill for fun but everyone to their own huh?

In the back of the cramped GCPD van limbs are tangling with weapons and although the helmet (which for some reason Hq INSIST on us wearing as soon as we leave for a 'mission') muffles the noise I can always vaguely here the other people's heavy breathing - trying to calm their nerves before a potentially fatal operation. Whether that's my head making up noises to scare myself I'll never know. Usually there is playful name-calling and chatter, hell once there was even a little interlude of children's nursery rhymes..however today was different there was no sound other than the scraping of the helmets or the occasional groan of pain or frustration as someone hits their arm on either their own weapon or their work colleagues weapon for about the 100th time.

My rank is quite high up in the GCPD and it's something I hold close to my heart as one of my best achievements, my mother would be proud to see me get this far in life...but I guess life didn't want her to live on ; everything happens for a reason..right? Thats my mantra that I live by, because no matter how shitty life gets, no matter how much I fuck up I know that it's all happened for a reason and that's just how it goes. It's a comforting thought I suppose, some people say it's me being weak and not being responsible but I am contempt with my little mantra.

No one has uttered a single word, the air is like a very thin sheet that could be sliced with even just a spiders delicate touch. I can sense we're nearing the location because the air is becoming unbearably tense.. "Everybody, listen up",a gravelly voice slices through the air rupturing the silence, "We are eta 2 minutes, everybody get your weapons loaded, mags in pockets, and heads in gear we need to be on our top game, we are taking out the Joker" as the voice says this-this name strikes fear in my heart, I hear murmurs echoing around the van, most are groans of fear or anger at doing this so called impossible task, he clears his throat, everyone shutting up immediately, "NOW, we will eliminate this creature and his loyal henchmen, and I will say this once, I. Do. Not. Care. If. They. Are. Alive. Or. Dead." , this causes another ripple of murmurs to float around the surface, "I trust that you knuckleheads know the plan because if not we are royally fucked. I truly do hope to see you all back here safe and sound, good luck, may the lord have mercy on you" he says the last part darkly causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat.

Suddenly the doors were strewn open and sunlight crawls into the van temporarily blinding us all, I realise we must be here "GET YOUR ASSES OUT THE VAN RIGHT NOW!!" I yell impatient at their hesitation. "YES MA'AM" I hear chanted back, my heart flips at the sound of these people not only obeying me but respecting me entirely.

Once everybody is out Javier who was sitting next to me scrambles out, holding his hand out. I take it and hop down gracefully "Hey, Misa if we do-" ,He begins,
"Javier if you're about to say if we don't make it I will slap you." I say playfully
"W-well I-uh-I" he stammers, I slap his back laughing, "have a little faith will ya? We'll make it don't worry" I say singing the last part of it.


I drop to the ground behind cover, as I was trained not that long ago. I look around to see if anyone was hit as hundreds of ~CRACKS~ fill the sky. Gunshots. Javier is desperately trying to find where the source or should I say sources is, as I try to see if any of our team is injured.

All of the cracks stop as if someone has muted a tv. Then I hear him
"HA..HA...HA..HA..HA......why helloooo my dear enemies, how..nice of you to come and see me" a high pitched voice resonates across the parking lot, my heart flips as I hear his laugh.. I've only heard it on tv before..

Okay so this is my first ever chapter I am already writing the next one as you read this ( or hopefully are reading this) once again please comment any improvements or good points and vote :))) thank uu 🖤

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