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"Good morning Mrs. Nam Kera, i've called you to inform you that we've read your resume and are quite blown away by the video submissions you've sent us through mail. I think we might have found the perfect job for you if you're still interested in working with us?"

"I would love to work with you guys it's has always been a dream of mine to work with you guys so i say yes."

"Amazing our you free for an intervieuw tomorrow at let's say 7:30 AM?"

"Yes i'm free tomorrow thank you so much for calling is there anything else you need to know about me at the moment?"

"No that will be all for now, i'll see you tomorrow. Have a wonderfull rest of your day."

"Thank you, and you have a great day to bye~"

"Good day."

So that is how i got my job here at Mnet and i love it, now next week i'll be the co-director of season of 4 produce 101 or as it will be now PRODUCE X 101, it's my first time directing a full on show.

Most of the time i'll just help here and there but this time i have to stay on set and focus on all camera's and make sure everyone is on the right spot.

I would be lying if i told you it's an easy job because it definitely isn't but i love my job so that makes it way easier. I'm super excited to see who the new trainees of this year will be and all the different entertainment companies.

I sertainly hope that Kim Wooseok from TOPmedia entertainment will be participating this year.

We were friend back in the days he used to be my next door neighboor before my parents and i moved to Taipei for 3 years so my mom could be closer to her new job and i could studie abourd for a few yaers and meet new people and new opportunities might come with it.

So that's when we kinda lost contact and we haven't picked it up again for some reason i didn't feel like he would want me to contact him since he was busy with his carreer and other friends. But we'll see if he shows up...

Fast forward to the first day of the show.

The first day was with iz*one reacting to the boys but i wasn't there since i had a meeting with some other staff members to go over some ground rules that the trainees will also have to follow and make sure everything goes according to plan.

Yes i know there are photos of all the participating trainees on their instagram and all over the news but i wanted to be surprised so i didn't watch the introduction videos nor look at the photos.

After the meeting we joined the recording crew to see where the recording was at. They were nearing the end of the recording so i dicides to just stay till the end.

"Omg he's so cute-" A make-up artist said as she looked at the laptop screen where the video's and pictures of the trainees where on display.





"OMG?! You think he's cute?" I lifted my brow im disbelief while pointig my finger to Wooseok's picture.

"No not him, him Kim Minkyu i mean Wooseok is handsome but i prefer a cute guy. Look at that beautiful face." She smiled and pointed her finger to his picture. "Do you think Kim Wooseok is cute?" She then asked me and it took me by surprise.

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