A Mutual Euphoria

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Inuyasha guides me to the middle of the room, it's slightly cold. He lets go of my hand and I hear him walk back towards the door and hear it close, the outside sounds dies and all I can hear is the footsteps of Inuyasha coming back to my side. I feel my heartbeat increasing in speed, Inuyasha's words repeats in my mind, he wants me.

"Give me a second." He tells me.

I then hear him walking in front and kneeling down, the sound of his bell necklace chimes gently. I touch the bracelet on my wrist after hearing it, I smile knowing that we share something together. I then hear gentle flickering, it must be the candles. I hear Inuyasha get back up and walking back to me, he then takes my hand in his big warm ones. When he's with me, I don't feel cold at all.

"Come, the futon is in front of us." Inuyasha tells me.

He guides me forward slightly, and soon I feel the soft futon beneath my feet. I feel my cheeks heating up as the moment hits me. I take my other hand and rests on his that is holding my other, Inuyasha stops.

"Inuyasha, about what you said earlier... about wanting me..." I start to say.

"Ya, what about it?" He replies back.

"I know that I said the same thing back, but do you really want me?" I ask him.

"Well, did you meant what you said?" He asks me back.

"Yes." I simply reply.

"Then that's my answer." He replies back.

Guess it was a stupid question, I look down in embarrassment. But then I feel his big hand on my cheek lightly, he lifts my face up. Then I feel his lips on mine, soft and warm. I widen my eyes at the unexpectedness, then he releases me and rests his forehead against mine. He lets go of my hand and holds me to him, his body warmth being felt through our kimonos. I can feel his warm breath.

"I know how you feel, it feels unreal and I feel the same. Having those words come out of my mouth was unexpected but my heart wants you, so my mind followed." He tells me.

"You really have moved on if you are willing to give yourself to me, someone who you only known for a short amount of time compared to Kagome. I feel like I'm stealing something from you." I tell him quietly.

"Like I told you, you aren't stealing anything from me, I want to give myself to you. I've waited for centuries to finally give myself completely over to someone, and my heart is telling me that it can't wait anymore. I thought it was Kagome, but it seemed not to be now. I have fallen in love with you after shutting my heart off for years, I told myself that Kagome would be the last woman that I'll love, but after meeting you, you helped me unlock my heart again and understood me in so many ways. Although we've only known each other for a few months, but sometimes, a few months can surpass years. I don't want to let this opportunity go anymore, I want to share everything with you tonight and I hope you feel the same. I don't want you to feel bad about anything, we deserve some happiness. You once told me that Kagome wouldn't want me to be chained to the past, she would want me to live a life of joy. Right now, this is my happiness and wish." He tells me.

I focus my eyes to the demon in front of me even though I can't see him, I smile at his words of affections. It's true, although we haven't known each other long, but our emotional bond has allowed us to understand each other quickly.

"I want you too, and you're right. We have lost so much and held back for the sake of others, tonight, let's let ourselves go and find happiness in each other." I reply back to him.

I then feel Inuyasha's lips back on mine, I close my eyes as I feel his bangs brushing against my forehead and his nose against my cheek. I let my happiness and love that I have for Inuyasha take over me, after kissing each other for a a few seconds we release each other. My breathing has fastened and so did his, I can feel his body warmth becoming warmer. I open my eyes and it starts to wonder, I'm trying to focus. He then lets go of my waist and scoops me up in his arms, I wrap my arms around his neck, his long hair brushes against my arms. He nuzzles my cheek with his nose, I feel him take a few steps and then lowers me onto the soft futon. I can feel him looming over me, his long hair brushes against my arm and neck. I put my dominant hand up and I find his cheek and caress it, his own hand comes up and holds mine.

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