Before he had time to speak

The night during the dance.

Team RWBY were at the dance and they were doing fine.

Yang: Cheer up Weiss. I'm sure that someone would look at you and see that you look pretty and would like to dance south you.

Weiss just dodged that question because a lot better things to worry about. When she arrived she saw Jaune and she just stared at him probably because of his hair style.

Jaune: Hey Weiss.

Weiss: Hey Jaune. What did you do to your hair?

Jaune: Well, you here I just had a little make over. Nora did indeed go over board she was doing it. I hope you and your dance partner have a good night out here.

Weiss: Okay.

Jaune noticed Weiss had a sad look on her face.

Jaune: Weiss is there's something wrong?

Weiss: No, I'm fine. I just need to get the stuff ready for the dance.

Jaune stood still way hung as everyone was getting themselves a dance partner. Just by seeing this just made him look so sad. What caught his eyes was when he saw Pyrrha all alone where her dress. He walked right next to her.

Jaune: Hey Pyrrha, real lovely night isn't it?

Pyrrha: Yeah, real lovely.

Jaune: It's almost as lovely as the dress that you're wearing.

Pyrrha's cheeks began to light up.

Jaune: I really hope that you have a great night Pyrrha.

Ruby was struggling to stand up because the dress that she was wearing was so small by the way.

Yang: Oh sis, you look so cute. Now go and show Jaune.

Ruby: Wait what-?

She could even tried to talk things out with Yang, she felt her pushing her forward to Jaune. Once, she was near him, she doesn't know what to say becuSe she felt so embarrassed. She wasn't even sure of Jaune would even go for her.

Ruby: Hi Jaune.

Jaune: Hi Ruby.

Ruby: So, what do you think of my dress?

Ruby looked over to Yang who just smiling at her.

Jaune: I think that it looks beautiful Ruby. As well as you.

Ruby: Thank you.

Ruby's cheeks were red. She was embarrassed more than she was before.

Jaune: Hey Ruby, you're blushing.

Ruby: I am?

Jaune: Yeah, you are.

Ruby: Well, you know it's just gets really embarrassing just to be out here in a dress like this.

Jaune: Oh come on, you don't look that bad.

Ruby: Well, I really do like your compliment a lot Jaune. So Jaune I have to go.

Ruby left Jaune and went back to Yang.

Yang: So tell me how did it go?

Ruby: Yang, please don't put me out like that ever again.

Ren was standing by Nora was gonna be his dance partner. Nora poured a huge ounce of punch in her cup and gulped it all down and even got some on her dress.

RWBY Remnant: Jaune Arc Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now