Greedy Dilemma

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Money, time, precious gems and fame

Cravings others struggle to claim

Idle goods that I just don't need

Can't succumb to the hands of greed

From the heart, blackened claws emerge

To the innocent mind, a scourge

They grip your senseless wants and feed

I can't fall to the hands of greed

Emboldened by society

To rid them of anxiety

To save a future guaranteed

They turn towards the hands of greed

Altruism takes and leaves you void

It's like seeing your life destroyed

Yet still, you insist that you bleed

Because you can't have hands of greed

Greed's an imp, erratic and wild

But, when I looked, I saw a child

Scared and thin as a trampled reed

Pure and grey were the hands of greed

A part of me wants to help it

The deprived child left in the pit

Sobbing, crying out to be freed

Should I accept the hands of greed?

They say I can do more, be more

Attain joy I couldn't have before

And escape this world of misdeeds

Just by grasping the hands of greed

Desires are what make a person

Fuels zeal, burns doubts till they're gone

Imagine those we can exceed

If we reach for the hands of greed 

Predators bribed by worthless prey

We selfishly led them astray

To live not survive, I concede

My hopes promised by hands of greed

A peaceful paradise I seek

Something I truly wish to keep

Hoping that I did not misread

I reach to hold the hands of greed

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