Chapter 4: Divided

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(3rd Person POV)

Qrow had just woken up after getting a call from (Y/N) the night before. Qrow decided he needed to do something and starts to pack his things. After packing his things Qrow grabs his flask and turns into a crow before flying towards Beacon.

(Meanwhile on Patch)

Tai had just woken up and started making breakfast when he checked his scroll and saw he had a message from Yang. Before checking the message however, he decided to check up on Summer first. He heads to where she usually would be this time of morning, in their dead son's room crying, and finds her doing just that. Tai sighs before walking in and sits next to her. "I miss him too you know." Tai says. Summer looks up at Tai with tears still in her eyes. "I know you feel like this is your fault, but you have to understand that we all have that feeling Summer." Tai says trying to cheer her up. "B-b-but Tai I... I-" Summer says before being cut off by Tai. "I know, you're the one that suggested it. I get that, but please you have to know if he was still here he'd want you to be smiling. He probably still wants that even though he's not here. I don't expect you to stop doing this." Tai says before getting up. "But I hope you'll at least come eat breakfast for once." Tai finishes before heading back downstairs and checking the message from Yang. Once the message is visible he's not able to comprehend what it says.

"(Y/N) is at Beacon."

(Meanwhile in Mistral)

Raven was in her hut. She doesn't go outside and check on things as often as she ahould, but doesn't care. There's something that's been on her mind for 10 years. 'Why would Tai and Summer abuse a child?' She's been trying to figure it out for so long that a few of the members of her tribe are genuinely concerned for her. She's thought about going to ask them in person, but she doesn't know what would happen if she went near Tai again. She thought about waiting until Summer was outside alone, but when she went to scope things out she found out she rarely leaves the house. Her final option was to ask Qrow, but she wasn't sure he'd want to talk to her. She finally has had enough of her thoughts however. She's decided she's getting answers anyway possible. "Vernal!" She calls. A few moments later Vernal comes in. "I'm going to Vale. I have to figure something out. You're in charge while i'm gone." Raven says before putting her mask on and creating a portal before stepping through.

(Back with Summer)

Summer was sitting up while thinking when suddenly a portal opened. "Raven..." Summer says as the mentioned person comes through the portal. Summer just stares at Raven for a moment. Not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say. Fortunately she didn't have to. Raven spoke first. "Qrow brought a child to me about 10 years ago. He looked a lot like you. I asked him about it and turns out he was you and Tai's son. I later found out from Qrow that you all abused him and i've spent 10 years trying to think of a reason why. I decided i've finally had enough and i'm going to ask you myse-" "SUMMER (Y/N)'S ALIVE AND HE- " Tai yells while runing to the room Summer is in and seeing Raven. "R-Raven..." Tai says surprised. "Wait... (Y/N) is alive..?" Summer asks with a hopeful tone. "Wait what?" Raven asks. "This... this is kind of awkward but yeah. He's at Beacon and Yang messaged me about it last night." Tai explains. "So we... we have a chance to make it better to him..?" Summer asks still a little bit confused. "Yes we do Summer." Tai says with a smile. Suddenly Summer stands up and runs over to Tai hugging him. "But why would you two want to see him?" Raven asks. Tai and Summer look at her confused. "You two abused him didn't you? You realize an 'i'm sorry' isn't going to fix that right?" Raven asks pressing them on this. "Wait... how do you know we abused him?" Tai asks. "She explained it when she got here I was confused as to what she meant by... Qrow... brought... him... wait..." Summer says having realization hit her. "HE'S BEEN WITH QROW?" Tai and Summer both yell at the same time.

(Meanwhile with Qrow)

Qrow arrives at Beacon and makes his way to Ozpin's office only to see he's not there. Qrow then realizes what that means. Initiation.

Hey It's me again. I might do a halloween special. Not sure yet though. Anyways i'm gonna go now. Bye!

816 words

A Shattered Rose (RWBY x Abused and Neglected Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz