29 ; "he resents you."

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"Yoongi, he's only a newborn—"

"Don't argue with me, Jennie." My husbands time grew darker as the days passed, his pain translucent now that his stresses got even heavier. "Our son is not something I'd like to bargain for."

"You're making him live in there!" I raised my voice following the black haired demon away from where my son was boxed in. "It's fine when it's once a day. But for hours? He deserves to spend time with—"

"What— with you?"

I knew he was wanted to protect Jihoon now that his body mass had grown into an adult. Now that his form was more raw and starved than before. I didn't blame him for wanting his son to live a lifetime feeling uncursed by what god intended but growing a grudge like he had with Yoongi's own father was not something I wanted to see in the future.

They are my dreams.

I wasn't going to let Yoongi cloud them again.

"He is my son."

"Much as he is mine."

I growled at him almost to the brim with fury. "Then you will act like a father and not his fucking master."

Before I could reply, time stopped for a split second. Then I heard the familiar mischievous humor of a too perfect timed devil to drop by.

"Why are you two so loud? I can hear you from my study, jeez."

The heat of the argument died when indeed the devil himself appeared to stop a deadly altercation between husband and wife.

The humorous demon smiled at the both of us taking a seat on the couch with a wine glass sitting between his fingertips.

"You two interrupted my sexercise with Jisoo, you know." Seokjin licked at his plump lips darkening a glare towards my direction. "I don't know what it is about having a child that makes everyone on their toes— I mean how hard could it be? Raising a curse."

I rolled my eyes hardening my own penetrating stare at my shaking husband. "Why don't you ask him?"

Yoongi, for the fifth time this week, lit a cigarette in our household and in front of my face whilst looking anywhere other than my brown leashed eyes.

Being angry would be an understatement.

Seokjin beckoned me over, his liveliness giving me enough power to calm down. He wanted it so only I could hear. And did so.

"So I'm guessing you lot haven't had sex in a while."


The devil chuckled, his pink lips curling before speaking again. "Our circumstances serves ill will not just to our kind but to your pasts as well. I'm sure your raising the newborn isn't as difficult as handling our current situation, wouldn't you agree?"

I sighed. "He's impossible."

Yoongi glanced at us from the kitchen as we spoke in secret. "My child is just as important as Park Jimin's. And no demon king is going to try and convince me otherwise."

"Raise the child. Mhm." Seokjin hummed rolling his head on his neck in exasperation. "But don't disrupt my peace. Yoonah's requesting your newborn's company. And I'm sure you wouldn't disappoint."

With that Seokjin left with a blink of an eye and I was left with the wrath of my husbands lingering anger and frustration. And that point, Jihoon emerged from his chamber and stared directly towards me feet instinctively following. The teenage looking two week old boy grabbed his things and coat, blinking once.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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