24 ; "fallen, bide well please."

674 37 11


Chaeyoung remembered me.

Chaeyoung's been pregnant for five years.

Chaeyoung was abducted by Taehyung.

Jin made a deal with the vampire prince.

Jimin was dying— like more than dead.

Now Yoongi was trying to tell me I had to leave for Tongyeong.

"You're kidding.. right?"

My husband licked at his teeth and blinked rapidly, expression dull. "No, Jennie, I'm not."

"I can't— I can't leave you. Y-You can't go in there. What if—"

"There is no what if's, honey. You'll call me if anything happens." Yoongi grabbed my trembling cheeks in his hands. "On a dreaded cell phone because I can not connect to you through the barriers of Tongyeong."

I was terrified. That much distance was not exactly recommended in our style of living and frankly the idea of my husband so far away made me dumb numb.

I frantically disagreed with the arrangement, shaking my head violently at the dark haired demon in front of me. "There'll definitely be no what if's because I'm not going."

He blinked expressionless, not budging even his fake plastic lips. "I am not going to argue with you, Jennie Kim. You are to attend to your best friend's side as per requested by me and Seokjin hyung."

I grumbled. "So she remembers me. So she's pregnant— that is not an excuse for me to leave your side. It's you or nothing."

He firmed a disenchanting frown and pushed the luggage back in front of me. "One week."

"Yoongi." I whined childishly while he palmed the small of my back urging me out of our apartment. "This isn't fair."

"Honey, life isn't fair. After all," he chuckled lowly and hoarse making me flinch a glare towards his direction. "You married me."

Two nights in and I was already seeing stars. I was high off going slightly insane. I haven't touched, contacted, or seen my husband for 48 hours and my mind was spiraling into emptiness.

I couldn't sleep without his cold darkness engulfing me, the light even in a shaded room being too bright for me. I clawed at my skin every time I was reminded of being lonesome from Yoongi's presence missing every bit and piece of him. Deformed or not.

I could smell the retched adrenaline and alcohol intoxicating Chaeyoung's slightly human blood and I wondered how the vampires managed to tolerate the semi sweet delicacy that my best friend strutted with. I was bothered by the thought of my husband that I couldn't care less what she might be up to drunk and all.

That and it was so fucking cold in here. I was being stowed in a freezer and I couldn't even complain to my lifeless husband about it. That damned good for nothing demon I audaciously called the love of my life.

After 5 hours of staring blankly at the ceiling, Chaeyoung was nowhere to be found. Worriedly, I stood up to find her sleeping with a contorted expression on her face planted on the floor.

I can vaguely remember the days we drank together and blacked out on her kitchen table.

Oh the bittersweet memories of being a helpless human.

I chuckled shaking her awake, her tired eyes gazing at me when she did.

I raised an eyebrow at her, her eyes sneering at the shining sun against her face. "Is it morning already?"

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