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It was very very early in the morning, but the rover is ready and I know I have to leave. Mark doesn't want to let me go but I think I should. And it would hurt too much to say goodbye to him. I'd be coming back, but it's Mars. I don't know what will happen. I get up and gather what I need in the nasa backpack. I pull on the EVA suit and I was about to put on the helmet when I hear a little voice.

« Y/n?" He croaked out. Shit. " where are you going?" He sounded angrier now." Mark I'm going to get parhfinder. I thought I could leave now so it wouldn't be so hard to leave." You said straight up." N-no! No! What if something happens!! " he yelled." Mark, I'm going ,one of us has to go, I'll go and I'll probably come back, I gotta go" his anger stopped and it looked like he had his heart broken." Why? " he whimpered. He almost sounded like a little boy." Mark, if I get pathfinder we might be able to get help" his lip started to quiver" mark, stop. I'm going now. Come on give me a hug." You said harshly. He looked away from me.

I put my helmet on and just as I was about to shut the door he said the most heart breaking thing " please don't leave me" he was fully crying now. You opened the airlock and got in the rover. As you drove away from the hab you started to cry.

Marks point of view

I was crying like a baby now. It was so hard to see her walk away. Drive away. And now here I am sad and pathetic. She was always my best friend. I mean, Martinez and his wife, Lewis and her husband, beck and Johansson. When we got no calls we had each other. Y/n is awesome. She is so funny, I love how funny she is. And even when I make her mad she still cares about me. Beck says were two peas in a pod.

Back on Hermes we were the bestest friends. Even if we weren't talking to each other it was still comforting. And she got my jokes and is funny too. She is not only the best girl but the best person ever. And she is so pretty.

And now she could be gone. I didn't even stop her, I just started blubbering. I'm going to be so lonely this next month. I cry some more.

A few days later.

This is just the worst dinner alone. No one to talk to. No one to make me laugh, no one to watch tv with . I'm so lonely. More than anything, more than going home, more than a mars princess asking me to make love to her , I wish y/n was here.

Y/n point of view.

I miss him. I miss him so damn much. It's no fun being alone. And it's creepy out here in the dark. Just me and the disco. I wish mark and his cheesy jokes were here. I look down st the «" home stone" in my hands. God how I love him, but I'm only a day away from path finder. I sit in the cold rover. More than anything i want mark right now. Back on Hermes we spent most of our time together. And whenever we had our work together one of would have to say " oh damn, Lewis stuck me with you again "
And even before that when we spent long months training we always ended up walking in at the same time and well,

Now I miss that. I know. I know we are trspped here and hurting and emotional and this is a " traumatizing experience" but here I am alone with somebody I really get along with, and it's different. I continue to drive even though It's dark. Rock the boat is playing uncomfortably loud, but I can barely hear it as my eyes are trying to close shut. I keep going and going when the rover suddenly stops. I groan and hit my head on the dashboard.

I better not be stuck in a fucking sand dune in the middle of the night. I get up, pull my helmet on, grudgingly open the door (shovel in hand) and inspect the rover. Stuck in a fucking sand dune. I kneel down on my sore knees and start to shovel with only the tiny sample shovel.   The more red sand i pick up the more my shoulders ache. I sit back and pant. I get back in the rover and try to drive. I'm free! I keep going and going till the sun come back up.

Uhh. I wake up and rub my eyes. I'm here. I get out of the rover and start searching for pathfinder. After wandering around I see the parachute sticking up . I refuse to use that shovel again. So today i was using my hands to gently lift the sand away , I pulled pathfinder  out until I could heave it onto the rover. I paused for a moment but then I got back inside the rover. God my legs were cramped, but now I want to go to mark, hoping he didn't lick an electrical outlet or anything.

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