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Small time skip...

Today was the big day that mark was going to plant the potatoes. You guys had spent all day preparing the soil. You had put on your EVA suit and was shoveling soil with the small sample shovels into bins while mark carries it inside. You back was hurting like hell from crouching down all day.

Mark lines the walls, put some shot into the soil and planted the potatoes. Let's just hope it worked. Mark really appreciates the work you did, in his opinion he had the easy job, her back must be killing her. He thought." My back hurts like hell" You groaned and then laughed a little." I'm ok though" you added and laughed. Mark always liked that even when you were upset or uncomfortable you were still positive and nice to be around.

You got up and added the hot water to the meal packet. You and mark decided to split one because you still weren't sure if the potatoes would grow. " I bet nasa is shitting their pants right now" you said." Two dead astronauts definitely won't help" mark added. The two of you half laughed and then sighed. It was getting late, you guys had worked for the whole day.

" hey n/n, d-do you want a back rub?" Mark asked. You froze in place. More than anything you wanted a back rub, but you felt bad making him do it and you felt awkward. " i really don't mind" he said as if reading your mind." Ok" you agreed and went to lie on your bunk. You lied on your stomach and waited nervously for mark to follow. He stepped behind your bunk deciding the best way to do this. He chuckled nervously as he climbed to the end of the bed where there was a tiny bit of space and kneeled over you.

He pressed his hands into your back and just gently rubbed up and down. You shut your eyes , it was really soothing. Well, it was soothing until he actually tried to massage you. " ow mark" you whined " oh hush" he said. After a minute he got the hang of it and It felt so good. But still you decided to tease him " still not as good as beck." You laughed." I can stop anytime you know" he pulled his hands off of your back." Never mind" you rushed to say.

Marks big warm hands pressed into your back as he rubbed from your hip bones up near your neck and shoulder, curling around to your collar bone. You sighed in contentment and drifted off to sleep.

Mark WatneyWhere stories live. Discover now