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Awsten's POV
(Finley, age 4)

I chased the energetic toddler around the trampoline, her yelling "Daddy no!" while laughing hysterically. I eventually caught her and we tumbled down, both of us in a fit of laughter.

"Mommy, the monsta got me!" she giggled as I started to tickle her, her laughs growing even more.

Sophie stared at us, a smile gracing her face.

"There's not much I can do Fin, you're gonna have to escape him yourself," she giggled.

"Okay, I'll stop now," I huffed, "but be careful because I might get you again!"

Finley scrambled up, running to the edge of the trampoline.

"Be careful babe, you don't wanna-"

Before I knew it, Finley lost her balance and fell off, cries immediately erupting as I got off and ran to her side.

"-fall off." I got down beside Finley to see if she had any injuries, and there sure was an obvious one: her left leg was turned out at an odd angle and her bone was about to break through her skin.

"Sophie!" I yelled for my wife who was already rushing over.

"Oh my god," I breathed out as Finley's cries worsened.

"We need to go to the hospital," Sophie looked at me.

"No-o-o," Finley sobbed.

"Baby the doctors have to fix your leg," I told her.

"Should I call 911 or should we just bring her?" Sophie began to pull out her phone.

"No, we can take her," I sighed and began to scoop up my daughter.

"I don't wanna go to the hospital," Fin sobbed into my chest.

"I know baby but we have to so we can get your leg fixed," I sadly sighed at her.

I then made my way out to Sophie's car, her already starting it. I got in the back, Finley still in my arms, and we began to race off to the hospital.

*           *           *

Once we got to the hospital, we were immediately taken to a bed, where I laid Finley down. A doctor then came to examine Finley.

"What happened to your little leg miss?" the doctor asked Finley.

"I fell," she mumbled, her hand still having a strong grip on mine.

"We were playing on our trampoline and she lost her balance and then..." I informed the doc.

"Ah yes, I get injuries in here like this all the time, but we are going to make it all better," he smiled.

I gave a light smile, as did Sophie.

"I'm going to have my nurse take her vitals and start an IV so we can give her some medicine to start feeling a bit better, and then we'll get some x-rays to figure out how bad the break is."

"Okay, thank you Dr...." I realized I hadn't gotten his name yet.

"Dr. Lincoln, head of Orthopedics. But you can just call me Dr. Link."

Awsten Knight DDMsWhere stories live. Discover now