Birthday Party

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Awsten's POV
(Finley, age 4)

Today is Finley's birthday and me and Sophie are throwing her a huge pool party for it.

We started the day by singing Happy Birthday to wake her up.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Finley, Happy Birthday to you," we sang while I rubbed her back to wake her up.

"Mornin' princess," I said to her.

She smiled in response.

"What's today, Fin?" Sophie asked her.

"My birthday," she answered.

I picked her up and took her to the kitchen where we had made her birthday pancakes- with sprinkles of course.

I set her down on a chair at the counter and gave her her pancakes with lots of syrup, just how she likes it.

"How's it feel to be 4?" I asked her.

"The same," she responded.

"You don't feel older?" Sophie questioned.

"Not really," she laughed.

After she finished her breakfast, Sophie took her upstairs to get dressed. I was going to take her out for some fun so Sophie and Chloe, Geoff's wife, could set up for the pool party.

When she came back down she was in a shirt with a big rainbow "4" on it and a rainbow skirt. Her hair was in pigtails with rainbows bows in them.

"All right get your shoes on and then me and you are gonna go on a daddy-daughter date," I told her.

She ran to put on her rainbow checkered Vans.

I grabbed my keys and took her out to the car. Once we were in, I took her to her favorite place, our local music store.

"Look where were at Fin," I said as we pulled up.

She smiled and immediately unbuckled herself from her car seat. She jumped out and ran to the doors of the store.

Once we walked in she ran to a giant grand piano.

"Daddy come play something! Pleeeeeease?" she begged.

"Okay okay, I will," I laughed.

I sat down on the bench and began playing a Disney song.

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?" I sang.

"Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything," she joined.

We continued to sing a bunch of more songs, and she eventually travelled over to the vinyls. We looked through all of them and I pointed out some of my favorites.

A little while later, I got a text from Sophie saying they were almost done setting up so we should start heading back.

"C'mon Fin, we gotta get back home, mommy and I still have a surprise for you there."

She ran back to the car. I buckled her in and then began driving back home. Once we got back, I told her to close her eyes. When we got inside, the surprise was revealed.

"Surprise!" everyone yelled.

Finley smiled like there was no tomorrow.

"Happy Birthday, Fin!" I exclaimed.

She jumped onto and hugged me, and I hugged her back even harder.

"Let's go get your swimsuits on!" Sophie said while taking her from me.

We both went upstairs and changed and then came back down to say hi to everyone.

Once we greeted everyone, I heard Finley whine, "I wanna go in the pool now!"

"Alright we will," I assured her.

We went out to the pool where all of her cousins were already swimming, including Rory, Geoff's daughter. They immediately began playing with each other.

I decided now was a good time to enjoy myself and talk to people my own age.

*           *           *

After a little while of talking to my friends and playing with Finley, Sophie announced it was time for cake.

Finley's birthday party theme was "Rainbow-Fairy-Princess," as described by Finley, so that's exactly how her cake looked. It was extremely colorful to say the least.

After everyone got inside, we began to sing, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Finley, Happy Birthday tooooo yoooooou!"

"Happy Birthday, princess!" I congratulated her.

This led to a stream of others saying it as well.

Sophie then cut and served the cake, which was actually pretty good. We then went back inside where we dried off and Finley changed back into her outfit from earlier so she could open presents.

Of course, everything consisted of clothes, toys, and gift cards. But our gift to her was very special.

"This last one is from me and mommy," I told Finley while giving her the pink bag.

She took the bag and pulled out the first thing, which was a pair of glittery, rainbow Minnie Mouse ears.

"Take out the card," Sophie told her.

She took it out and shoved it to me, "Read it!"

So I began to read: "Today you turn 4 which means it's time we take you to places that you would love to see, so in two weeks, we're gonna do just that and take you to Disney!"

Her face immediately lit up and she jumped onto me, engulfing me in a huge hug.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, baby!"

She then ran over to Sophie and did the same.

"You're welcome, princess!" Sophie said.

After opening all the presents, people slowly started to leave but a few friends stayed to talk.

As I was talking to Jawn, he pointed out that Finley had fell asleep on me.

"You really wore her out today," he said.

"I think it just means that we threw her a really good birthday," I remarked.

I carefully picked Finley up, changed her into pajamas, and put her in her bed.

"Did you have a good birthday?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she responded while trying to keep her eyes open.

"You excited to go to Disney?"

She nodded her head excitedly.

"I love you Shark," I grinned.

Shark was the nickname I gave her since sharks have fins. I'm also the only person allowed to call her that, not even Sophie can.

"Love you Daddy," she said in her groggy voice.

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead, and then closed the door halfway.

I went to bed feeling feeling the happiest I've ever been.

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