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When Jin was almost ten, Jungkook's mother allowed him to walk five-year-old Jungkook to and from kindergarten.

Jin was very proud to have this responsibility, and he made sure Jungkook was well protected from the time he left his house to the time Jin delivered him to his teacher, and later from the time Jin collected him after school to the time he delivered him to this mother at the front door.

Jungkook liked walking to school with his Jin-hyung because he always held his hand.

In fact, he liked Jin-hyung better than his real brother because Jin-hyung has always been by his side for as long as he can remember.

Jin also liked walking to school with Jungkook.

He enjoyed listening to Jungkook as they walked because the younger boy liked to talk about what he did the evening before, and later, what he did in school.

They were like two peas in a pod, and the entire neighbourhood knew that if one was nearby, the other was not far behind.

So close were they, that strangers often thought that they were true brothers instead of next-door neighbours, and as time passed, the bond between them grew stronger and stronger.

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