Luke had to chuckle figuring Kalene would ask something like this. She was always so sentimental. He figured he'd let her choose what to put into the gift bags for the two people who were their guides since she knew them better than he did.

Luke: of course! I'll let you choose what goes in it since you'll know what they'd like. Come down to the bus any time, I'll let Nate know what you're up to.

Kalene: Thanks, Luke. This really means a lot to me and I know it'll mean a lot to them.

There a few texts she replied as she tried to think of what to say to Scarlett. Besides, she needed to look at their schedule again to find out when their next day off would be. She replied to most of what needed to be replied to.

Dena: her fever finally broke, thankfully. It reached a scary 104 before it did. They have her on oxygen therapy with the mask over her face and are still giving her strong antibiotics through her IV. The doctor said he's optimistic about her recovery. She's sweating like a pig and wants a shower. The nurse said she'd try to help her take one today.

Kalene: thanks for keeping me in the loop! I bet she's exhausted, the poor thing 🤒😷😭 At least her fever broke! The antibiotics are finally kicking some germ butt 🤣🤣🤣

Dena: Well, I never thought of it that way! I'll tell that to her. Hopefully that'll lift her spirits some. She's a bit depressed being stuck in the hospital. They're forcing her to breath deeply which hurts, of course, but giving her a small dose of pain medicine to ease the pain when they do so that helps.

Kalene: that's good. I bet she's hating it though. The deep breathing, I mean. I told her before we left but she's hard-headed 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Dena: I wonder where she got that from?

Kalene had to laugh as she walked from their hotel down through the parking lot to the bus. She had to knock on the door to get into the bus and hoped she wasn't waking anyone. Chris opened it with a smile. Thankfully Nate was already awake and chatting with Frank and Cole.

"Hey Kalene! What are you doing here?" Abe inquired.

"I need Nate to open up the cargo bay for me." She smiled.

"Oh yeah. I got Luke's message. Let's go!" The blond smiled at the tour mom, "I think it's pretty cool what you're doing."

"Well, they don't have to do this for us and this is our first time here. I want to make one hell of an impression so they rally others to help bring us back." She winked making the blond laugh as he opened the cargo bay for her.

"What all are you thinking of giving them?" Nate asked.

"Hmm. Maybe a t-shirt, poster. No, not the poster. They got that at the first show. Maybe the photo. Definitely the hoodie. Those are super comfy!" Kalene chuckled, "Maye one each of the cd's?"

"That's a great start. How about one of the new pop sockets too? And one of the new cups." Nate suggested.

"That's perfect! Hopefully that will be enough for their kindness." She said.

"I'm sure they'll love it. Let's gather these items and I'll go get a swag bag for you." Nate replied.

There was one more item she was going to put in there for each. It was even more personal than just band merch. She needed to get somewhere that she could print off one of the photos she'd had taken on their outing to Hobbiton. Once they had all the items together and separated into two piles, he went to get two bags to put them all in. She'd, of course, have the band sign the photo but she was also going to have them personalize the signing of the printed off photo.

She thanked Nate before taking the two bags back to her room. There was work to be done still! Kalene was able to check their schedule. The following day would be their last around the Wellington area before they moved across the country for their last show in New Zealand for a while. It made her sad but she was thrilled that they got to come here at all. It was a huge step for them.

Kalene: tomorrow will be our last day off before we head to the opposite side of the country for our last show in the country. We'd love for our favorite tour guides to help us out again if they're available 😉

Scarlett laughed seeing Kalene's text finally come through. She had been worried either her text hadn't gone through or the tour manager had gotten so busy she hadn't seen it yet.

Kalene: And sorry for not answering before now. I saw your text earlier but haven't been able to answer since I've been super busy this morning. 😐 😐

Scarlett: It's ok! And yes, we're more than happy to take you guys around again. Meet up at the same time, same place as yesterday? Would that be ok?

Kalene: sounds perfect. Will give these nuts time to get up and wake up before we get the day started 🤣 🤣 🤣

The tour mom wasn't going to mention her little surprise for the two women. She was going to leave it as a surprise until they met up the following day. Kalene headed downstairs and asked the clerk where she could print off a photo from her phone. Getting directions, she quickly made her way there. Thankfully it was a place much like a CVS so she navigated to the photo area to get done what she came to do.

She was walking back to the hotel when Tim texted her asking where she was. "Heading back to the hotel. Be there soon!" she replied. He wanted to know if she wanted to go get some lunch with him and the guys so she said yes because there was something she wanted to discuss with them. They met in the lobby before leaving to eat at a little café right across the street from the hotel. She explained what she was doing, including the photos she'd just had printed, and asked if they'd sign the two (personalizing the one) for their two tour guides.

She sighed with relief when they were all on board with her idea. After a long lunch, they all headed up to her and Tim's room to quickly sign the two photos. She thanked all five men who just smiled at her. Austin asked when they were going outsight-seeing again so she told the small group when and where they were meeting back up with their tour guides.

A/N: Isn't making new friends fun? Please review and vote below!

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