The boys find out

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(Calum's POV)

Y/N was gonna come to the studio with me today. I was nervous since even though we found out about little baby hood back at the end of January, we still hadn't told the band and it was already halfway through May. I walked into the bedroom to find my lovely wife sleeping. I'd woken up early to make her breakfast since last night was rough on the two of us. I put the breakfast down and lightly touched her shoulder to wake her up. She stirred and her eyes slowly opened.
        "Morning Cal." She sniffed the air. "Did you make me breakfast in bed?"
       "I sure did teddy bear." I helped her sit up and I placed the tray on her lap.
       "Thanks Cal. I also didn't apologize for last night. I should've just accepted the fact that you couldn't tell me all the details." She sighed and took a bite of her blueberry chocolate pancakes that she'd been craving.
       "Hey no Y/N. It's my fault. I should've told you about it right when I heard about it even though it was slightly against the rules." I snuggled up against her and put my hand on her bump. "I'm going to start to try and put you and little baby hood first."
         "That was some good breakfast. I'm surprised I ate it that quick." She giggled as I looked over to see that the plate was completely empty.
        "I also have to go into the studio today. You wanna come still or do you just want to stay at home and get some sleep?" Y/N has been very tired from getting up in the early mornings to either eat, go to the bathroom or vomit.
       "I feel energized today. I do really want to join." She smiled. "Oh wait..... isn't Micheal's wedding coming up?!"
      I thought for a second. "No it already happened. Remember? We went to it last week." I laughed a little. "Micheal and his wife also had a baby remember?"
       "Oh yeah.... that did happen last week......" she went into deep thought. "It must've been in my dream then."
         Y/N took a quick shower and got dressed. She came downstairs to where I was waiting.

    (Disclaimer: Y/N isn't that big in the story just yet, I just used it for the outfit)         Y/N stopped in her tracks as she saw her reflection in the mirror

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    (Disclaimer: Y/N isn't that big in the story just yet, I just used it for the outfit)
         Y/N stopped in her tracks as she saw her reflection in the mirror. She rubbed her hand over her bump and adjusted her top.
       "Do I look visibly..... you know." She made a bump with her hands.
      "Just a little bit not so much that the fans will recognize. It's gonna be alright. We don't have to tell anyone else other than our families of your not comfortable with it."
      "Thanks. I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself. If people find out then they'll find out. I mean we're gonna have to tell the rest of the band and the fans at some point." She put her sandals on and rubbed her bump one last time."I love you."
      "I love you too. Now let's get going, the boys are going to be waiting for us."
     We got into the car and drove to the studio. When we got there Y/N adjusted her top again and tried to cover her stomach with her cardigan. The two of us went up to the room and were greeted by the band.
      "Well took you long enough Calum. What took you so long?" Luke said laughing as Ashton and Micheal joined in.
       "I promised Y/N that she could come to one of our meetings or whatever one day. Today was the day she decided she wanted to come." She smiled and waved as I led her to one of the couches and we both sat down.
       "Crystal should be here in about 30 minutes. She has to take the little one for a doctors appointment." Micheal said putting his phone away. "It's still hard to believe that I'm not only a dad but a husband already."
"Welcome to the married life brother. All we need is Luke to join us by proposing to his girlfriend, then we're good to go." Ashton commented.

(Y/N's POV)
It was about an hour into the meeting when Crystal came through the door of the studio with the baby.
"Hey boys. Hey Y/N nice to see you here." Crystal put down the car seat as Michael came over to give her a hug.
Michael took his child out of the car seat carefully and held them in his arms. The boys went back to the meeting with the baby as you and Crystal talked.
"How's the married life treating you?" I asked. "Are you and Michael gonna go on a honeymoon soon or after you guys find the time with the band getting everything sorted out?"
"Well so far it's been quite smoothly other than having an unexpected baby come into our lives. And with the boys having a little tour after Ashton has his children, were probably gonna wait a little while until the little stinker gets old enough." Crystal responded. "That pregnancy was one surprise let me tell you. And speaking of pregnancy.... can I ask you something?"
My heart pounded. "Yeah sure, what's up?"
She leaned into my ear and whispered. "Are you pregnant?"
Once she leaned back I slightly nodded. "You can't tell Michael or the other boys. Calum and I want to tell them ourselves."
"Congrats girly." She excitedly whispered. "How is it so far? If you don't mind me asking."
"I mean so far it's going well. I'm slowly starting to show a little bit which is exiting."
The boys started to walk back over to the two of us. You felt a burning sensation in your throat as you swung your hand in front of your face and quickly walked over to the nearest trash can. Calum has come over to rub my back and reassure me. I heard some murmuring from the boys as Calum and I returned from the garbage can when Ashton spoke up.
"I know this is gonna sound insane but as of right now my wife is throwing up like that almost daily still. Cal..... did you get your wife knocked up?" He looked back and fourth between me and Calum.
After moments of silence, I spoke up.
"Well..... I mean I guess." I turned sideways and showed off my bump.
"Congrats man." Luke said as everyone cheered. "So when are you due Y/N?"
"My due date is October 30th." I smiled as I thought about the day of delivery.
"Well I guess I have permission from Sierra to say this. But we're pregnant as well. Found out it was twins just yesterday at the appointment." Luke responded rubbing the back of his neck.
"Wait what?!" I got excited. "If I'm recalling correctly, Michael has one kid, Ashton is having three, Luke your having two and so far Calum and I are having just one."
"Jesus Christ that's a ton of kids." Niche commented and laughed. "Wanna hold this little munchkin for practice Y/N?"
"If I'm allowed then yeah sure." Michael handed me the little bundle of baby.
The meeting had finally finished as the boys had gotten a lot of bump touching from me. Calum and I had gotten into bed once getting home and falling asleep. All we had to do was discuss about telling the fans and if we wanted to or not.

A/N: I'm going to try my best and conceal Michaels and Luke's baby's gender since I haven't done that book yet. I am going to be having Ashton's kids genders since that was the first book. Also how are you liking this series so far? Any recommendations for chapters?

Also Happy Easter 🐣:)

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