Justice of Virginia Potts (pt.2)

Start from the beginning

"Shirts?", she smirked. "You know me so well. You finish all my sentences.", he grinned charmingly that almost made her giggle like a schoolgirl, but she didn't. She took a deep breath and sighed before looking back at her fiance. "It's not that I don't want a child, Tony. But until you get rid of all the marks or locked them in the lab, we're not having a baby. I don't want to risk it, Tony. You spend about 16 hours average in the lab making more marks that we already have. Our child could get hurt by one of those marks", she explained, eyes never breaking the eye contact.

She watched as he clenched his jaw and tightened his hands around hers. She knew he wanted to protest that his suits would never hurt their child, but deep down he knew that there would always be the risk. He sighed before his face softened and he smiled softly. "Okay."

"Also, in case you haven't realized, you're already a father to Peter. Remember what May said? Blood is not what makes us a family. It's the feeling of love that binds us together. You, me, Peter, May, Rhodey and Happy. That's our family. Maybe, one day? Maybe one day we can give Pete a little sibling. A sister perhaps? Cuz I swear Tony, I can't handle any more testosterone in this family.", she said and she meant all of it.

Her little speech might have lifted up Tony's mood because he was smiling now. Not the fake smile that he used for strangers, but the genuine smile that he only gave to her. His eyes glowed with love as he stared at her like she hung all the stars in the skies. "God, Pepper! I love you so much. Have I told you that?", he rested his forehead on hers.

"Every time you got yourself into trouble, which is every single day", they laughed together. She closed her eyes, trying to enjoy their moment. Trying to save it in her memory. She didn't care that they were in public. She didn't care that some people were staring. She didn't care about the paparazzi that she knew was hiding behind the bushes 8 feet from where they were were sitting. She suddenly felt soft lips on hers and she kissed him back.

But that didn't last for even three seconds before something gold flashed in front of them, moving in circle. They quickly jumped out of their seats but Tony pushed her back to make her stand behind him. They watched as a man who wore a ridiculous outfit with a red cape on his shoulder came out of the circle. She held one of Tony's hands, trying to not shaking much.

God! Just when she thought her life would not get any crazier. Norse God trying to take over New York? Yeah fine, that was years ago anyway. Her fiance's robots came to life and then trying to destroy the earth? Yeah, that was upsetting. A sweet little boy who happened to have spider power and fight crimes during the night? A big surprise, but a pleasant one. And now there was a freaking wizard came out of God knew where? She just stood there, speechless.

"Tony Stark, I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.", the wizard, Strange, said with a firm voice. Well, strange indeed because now the said wizard was demanding her fiance to go with him. What the hell was even happening?

Strange must have realized that too and that he just interrupted their moment because he cleared his throat. "Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way", he stuttered and no one corrected him that they weren't married yet.

"I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?", Tony gave his witty remarks like he always did when he stumbled upon a potential threat. His hand tightened on hers. "We need your help. Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.", Strange replied like he was asking them to join him for tea.

Pepper let out her breath that she didn't know she was holding. She controlled the urged to roll her eyes. To scream. To push him back into the portal. Because of course, the world was in grave danger, again. And of course, they needed her fiance to risk his life, again. She knew Tony must have thought the same thing from the way his whole body tensed.

"And who's 'we'?", Tony snapped. That was when things got more complicated. "Hey, Tony", they both gasped as their long lost friend emerged from the portal. She glanced at Tony and she knew he had a hard time to believe it too. His eyes wide, confused. Scared. His jaw hung loose. "Bruce", he whispered

Bruce made eye contact with her and he nodded. "Pepper".

"Hi", she said, her voice shook, still trying to digest everything in. She watched as he walked towards them and fell into Tony's embrace, clinging desperately. That was when she realized, whatever the threat was, this would not end well. She could feel it in her bone. Tony looked at her and she understood at once. At much as she abhorred it, she said, "Go".

She watched as they went into the portal, but not before Tony hugged her and kissed her head. "Be safe", she said. He hugged her again and the hug last for about ten seconds before he pulled back. "I'll be back, Miss Potts. I promise."

And just like that, they were gone, leaving her all alone in the middle of the park.


Author's Note.

Okay. So! I know I said in the previous chapter that I was going to break this into three chapters, but now I think that I need to break it into four or five chapters. I didn't realize it's going to be this long. But anyway please leave a vote and comments if you like this chapter.

Your Author,

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