07; anything but troubles

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Sullivan looked at her mirror reflection, her red lips matching the red dress she was wearing. Her blonde locks were perfectly tied up in a mid-ponytail. As she was readjusting her lipstick, she heard a knock on the door. She exited the bathroom and walked down the stairs carefully, trying not to fall in the staircase.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she grabbed a purse on the couch and her coat before she opened the front door to face Thomas, his eyes falling on her. Sully turned around to lock her door as Tommy cleared his throat.

"I like your dress," he said softly. The woman put her keys in her purse and scoffed, turning on her heels.

"I do hope so, I had to sell my soul to the devil to buy it," she joked, earning herself an eye roll from Thomas. They got in the car, Sully with Tommy's help, and when they settled, she looked around the vehicle.

"So it's the both of us," she stated, her eyes traveling to Tommy's face, whom of which was looking at her too. He nodded and started the engine, driving silently until they left Small Heath. He then turned to look at her as her eyes were landing on the surroundings, watching the life around her, the men and women and kids running, walking, and speaking loudly. She smiled when a girl fell in her boyfriend's embrace, his arms wide open for her to come in.

"I love watching the life around me," she said, gazing at Tommy. "People are interesting when they think nobody's watching them."

"So are you," he answered. The blonde blushed and smacked his arm. She turned away again, her hands crossed on her laps. She hummed slightly, as she took sight of everything around her.

"We're not in this together," she sighed. "The boys are coming too, right? Just not in the same car." Tommy sighed too, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. Sullivan rolled her eyes, a faint laugh leaving her throat.

"What's funny?" Tommy asked, his eyes looking away from the road quickly to look at her.

"It's just how I know you," she said. "It's funny to state." She turned to the surroundings again. As she was looking away, Tommy turned his gaze on her body. She was so beautiful, but it was like she didn't even know it. However, everybody knew how pretty she was. He was so lucky she had decided to love him, and God knows how much he loved her back. He was so frustrated with not telling her, he wanted so bad to scream it at her face and in everyone's, but he couldn't. He wanted to erase every doubt she had about that love, but he couldn't. She was so important in his life, and she hadn't any idea of how much he wanted her to stay.

"It makes me think of good old times," he said, as he promised himself to tell her his feelings in the next days. She turned her face to him, a smile already on her lips.

"When we were riding horses, yeah, kind of," she answered. "Favorite memories of mine." She nodded as he looked away with a slight smile. She kept staring for a second. Yes, fucking Shelby boy still owned her heart.

The car stopped in front of a big mansion, and Sullivan had to admit it was a beautiful place. After Tommy had helped her out of the car and she had her feet on the ground, she adjusted her dress on her shoulders and slid her hand on Tommy's forearm. He looked down at her as she opened her mouth in disbelief. 

"That's so beautiful," she whispered, making Tommy laugh slightly. 

"I know," he answered. Before she could reply, she was led to another entrance of the mansion. She frowned and looked up to Tommy, whom of which responded to her silent question. "We're entering from the back door." The girl laughed, earning herself a glance from Tommy, whom of which was holding her the door open. 

"Troubles are everywhere, my Tommy," she hummed, walking into a corridor, where some people were rushing too. 

"My Tommy, eh?" he said, as the blonde just blushed slightly.

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