05; new friend

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It wasn't the busiest day of the week. However, Sully found herself serving whiskeys and tequilas so many times she couldn't even count them in her head.

It was her and Harry behind the counter this time. Grace was singing with a crowd of men around her somewhere in the back of the pub, standing up on a chair, her blond head proud at the effect of her voice. Even Sullivan was enjoying the woman's voice. Harry grabbed her shoulder as the blonde gave a drink to another customer.

"The Shelbys just ordered," he announced, and in front of the lack of reaction of the woman, he continued. "They want you to serve them."

"Of course they do," she groaned as she prepared their orders, some beers - nothing usual. She sighed as she put the drinks on a large serving plate and slid behind the counter, opening the private room door on the boys, whom of which were playing cards. They lifted their gazes on her as she closed the door behind herself, handed them their drinks.

"You seem tired," John noticed with a slight frown.

"Do I?" She sighed loudly, turning to Tommy, giving him his own beer. He thanked her quietly, and she then turned to Arthur.

"Why did you allow them to sing?" Arthur groaned, his hands on his ears dramatically. 

"Come on, she's doing great," Sully replied, the loud screams of the men in the pub making her smile.

"She is," Arthur confirmed, putting three cards in front of him, "but what about the others? Please give then some sing lessons." Sully laughed, the said laugh followed by a little yawn.

"Do you need something else?" She asked, already turning on her heels.

"You," Arthur replied with a smirk. Sully rolled her eyes.

"I have to work, you know," she explained with a slight smile.

"You should take a day off then," John said with a shrug.

"Yeah, the hell I will," she answered, earning herself a glance from Tommy.

"Why not?" He asked, an eyebrow raised in incomprehension.

"Are you paying my bills?"She asked, Tommy shaking his head slightly. "Then I need to work. Moreover," she continued to cut Arthur off, "the last time I took a day off I've been attacked by a motherfucking copper."

"You can take a day off here ya know," Arthur groaned.

"This is not a day off if I keep my ass here," she giggled. "Alright, play good," she wished by leaving the room, closing the door once more. As she made it behind the bar again, letting go of her plate, she saw bright lights in front of the pub, then they shut down and Harry was gasping next to Grace, making the woman turned her head quickly.

"This is Billy Kimber," Harry whispered in panic. Grace looked at Sullivan, whom of which was hiding her face behind her hands.

"God, please not now," she moaned, as Grace tried to catch her attention. 

People who don't know Billy Kimber must've lived in a deep hole. He was the King of the races, making every littles gang members shake. When you crossed his path in the street, you should better walk away quickly or maybe you'll be found the next day, laying in your own blood. He was a menace, and his presence in the Garrison wasn't exactly a good new. 

The front door slammed open as three men walked in, Billy Kimber holding his head high. Every person in the pub gasp at their sight, as the man opened his mouth to speak - nothing good about it. 

"Is there any man here named Shelby?" As she heard the question, Sully held her breath, trying to understand what kind of trouble Tommy had put himself in. With the lack of answer, Billy sighed softly and grabbed a gun, shooting the ceiling, making the crowd jump; even Sullivan jumped slightly. Paint fell on the ground, as Sully thought about her poor ceiling, thanking God secretly that she wasn't right under the bullet. "I said, is there any man her named Shelby?" She couldn't help but notice the insistence the man had put on the word Shelby, as she heard their private room door being opened. 

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