26; how lucky you are

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Sullivan opened her eyes suddenly, her green eyes blurred until they focused on the window, showing a light blue sky. The sun didn't seem raised yet, or maybe he was still hiding behind grey clouds, though the sight of the clear sky delighting her.

She sat up slowly, trying to assess the extent of the damages the alcohol had left in her body. Firstly, she had a deadly headache, every breath she took resonating in her skull. Her entire body was craving for water, her mouth and throat were dry. She cleared her throat, yawning and stretching a little, feeling the exhaustion running through her.

"You're up," Tommy noticed as he leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed on his bare chest.

"Up, not fully awake though," she replied with a slight smile, her voice making her ears burn a little. She turned her head to look at him fully. "You're not dressed yet?"

"It's still early," he explained, moving towards the bed. He sat down, his chin resting on her shoulder. "Besides, I just woke up."

"What time is it?" Sullivan asked in a low tone, her eyes focused on the sky again.

Tommy hummed, kissing her neck softly. "Around seven," he answered, getting up again. "Get dressed," he demanded before exiting the room, grabbing his shirt while he left.

Sully took her time to stand up, walking slowly to the windows she opened to let some fresh air floating inside the bedroom. She got dressed as slowly, tying her hair into a high ponytail. Choosing a simple dress, she got dressed, watching her in the little mirror on her bedside table before leaving the bedroom, walking down the stairs slowly.

Sullivan found Tommy in the kitchen, looking outside from the little window. The blonde glanced at the front door, finding her high heels laying on the ground alongside her brother's shoes. "He'll be late, you know," she said softly, brushing past him to grab an apple, the only thing she was able to swallow, and an empty cup.

"I'll ask Arthur to wake him up," the male responded, which brought a laugh into the blonde's throat.

"Good luck with that," she wished, filling the cup with tea. She extended her arm, pushing Tommy's stomach slightly as she grabbed a bottle of whiskey that rested on the counter. Tommy glared at her, which made her chuckle slightly. "Polly gave me the trick," she shushed as if revealing a huge secret, pouring a bit of whiskey into the cup, and sitting down when it was done.

"The trick is not to be drunk, love," he argued, smiling as he took the seat in front of her.

"Okay, next time I'll be more careful, Mr.Shelby," she replied, the mockery slight in her voice. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a moment with Sullivan sipping on her boozy tea. She was looking at the hair falling on her shoulders, playing with them subconsciously, humming softly under her breath. Sully was starting to feel better as the whiskey was settling in her system.

"Are we still allowed to sing on Saturdays?" she suddenly asked, startling Tommy out of his thoughts.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, grabbing his pack of cigarettes on the counter. "We're not Saturday," he responded casually, giving a cigarette to his girl. "If you want to sing on Saturdays, please do it," he agreed. She laughed, standing up to put the whiskey back on the counter and her cup in the sink, then hugged Tommy from behind.

They left the house shortly after, Sullivan slamming the door with all her strength and waiting under her window, staring at the open space. "You're gonna be late," Tommy spoke rationally, which only made her raise a finger, a smile on her face.

"Fuck you!" Carl's sleepy voice screamed from the open window, his hands gripping the wooden edge tightly.

"It was either me or Arthur, brother!" she exclaimed, shrugging her shoulders. "Make sure to close this window!" Carl groaned, slamming the window close harshly. Sullivan turned towards Tommy, who was still looking up at the window. "We can go now," she spoke with a chuckle, Tommy blinking down at her.

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